Well Blizzard just gave a big middle finger to most of the playerbase

Well if blizzard didn’t tell me they know who all benefitted from the bug, I’d say lucky them…

But they do know. Whether they knew or not, removing the item isn’t a punishment for knowingly exploiting, it’s a task for blizzard to give them back items they destroyed because they no longer needed with the Uber unique.

But yes typically you’d have a few ways to go that I’d see reasonable by blizzard.

Fix it and leave it at that.

Rollback if it was excessively widespread.

Announce the number who got it, remove items, refund salvaged/sold item that was removed due to not needing. Then add a note that action may be taken in the future.

Or the absolute worst way they could have handled…
Announce how many got it and say they get to keep it. Then tell people don’t exploit because we might take it seriously next time

they did do the last. they even went back and added it better to make sure

Developer Note: With the above change, we have re-enabled Uber Unique drops in Diablo IV. In total we have discovered that only 142 accounts obtained an Uber Unique between the launch of 1.0.4 and when we disabled Uber Unique items from the game on the evening of July 6th. We do not plan on removing these items from the accounts. In the future, we may need to take action to maintain fairness within the game when a bug or exploit impacts the gameplay of others.

Yea now read the part above that I said about it.

Aka the way they should have NOT handled it.

It just feels bad man, 142 people are happy running around with the best items in the game. The rest of us are slowly losing our interest in the game, realizing Blizzard truly does not care about it’s mistakes and will not listen to the community

it was 142 accounts… out of how many millions?

Who cares, honestly? It’s not that big of a deal, imo. I’m sure I will find one eventually, and I don’t really care if one person found a fancy item, or 200.

crazy that yall are ok with them removing the mechanic they just added for target farming

I think it is a bit silly myself, but meh, don’t really care that much.

i was excited about it, a chance to target farm a tempest roar for my druid finally and nope they remove it right as the weekend gets here lol

At least there isn’t room on the statue for the first 100 Shako finders in the world.

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I wouldn’t even care if Blizzard’s stance was consistent on their mistakes.

Infinite Cellar spawn bug? You wrong’un.
Higher than usual drop chance for ‘super rare’ Uniques? Meh. Free pass.

Should we now flip a coin as to whether exploiting a bug or unintended mistake will be sanctioned or no?

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I didn’t get it and i’m not pissed off, i’d say 100’s are pissed and millions don’t care

They don’t care. The company just wants to complete the deal with MS, get their cut and walk away.

Exploit early, exploit often, saying exists for a reason. Because they never do anything about it.

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Doesn’t bother me in the least. Its just a game. There are defintelly more important things going on in this world to be concerned about and to worry over.

Its not a finger. It’s a hand unicorn.

At this point I would just not note any patches anymore lol.
Just write it up under “Several balance changes”.
Like if they would have removed it → Outrage
Keep Shakos in → Outrage
Some dev farted the wrong way → Outrage
Some random typo → Outrage
Someone ate oats instead of a steak for breakfast → Outrage

There is outrage for the most minor things ( remember the whole body shape discussion lol boobs too small, belly too fat, not CHAD enough lmao)
People are just waiting in eager participation for the humans that work there to make a mistake to point their fingers like little brats and call them out. There is no winning ( in these forums).

Sounds like you’re okay with P2W.

You want a whineken to go with those french cries?

1 in 5 mil drop chance for a uber unique to drop , when a unique maby drops once or twice a day if your farming like a no lifer …yea 1 lifetime if your lucky.

Crazy thing is that i am mad and gelous that a casual player got those items while the hardcore playbase that farm from 8 AM to 3 AM got nothing , but the truth is there are not even worth farming for ,becouse of them beeing so rare .

Blizzard should drop this crazy rarity and make all items more accesible to everyone.