Welcome to the Druid Category

Welcome to the Druid category! We encourage you to use this forum to provide feedback and/or discuss your experiences while playing as the Druid class in [Diablo IV]. Consider this the home for all theory crafting, build crafting and general discussion surrounding the Druid class.

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Ive Purchase some cosmetics for the Druid. the thorns one. the mace doesnt appear in the Transmog section.Its missing as an option. guessing its just a bug

Can a dev please address the Aspect of Natures Savagery. It does not function like it states. Werewolf skills dont become storm skills and bear skills dont become earth skills. It is extremely misleading and confusing for most peole to use. Please have this addressed and reworked or reworded and maybe even add those aspects in for build diversity. Thank you

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Im still waiting for druid fixed drops got 4 2h wpns(barb) and 0 crones or the much needed tempest roar I dont want to play this my main at 80 now knowing Im more likely going to not get those drops Ive built a 53 rogue to go forward till this is resolved plz help the druid

Any ETA on the loot table fix ?

Dear Diablo Team

Can we have thiner body type as an option for our druids, it’s my favorite class, and I’m the type of person who places a lot of importance on my character’s appearance, i love to be excited of getting or buying new armor skins, weapons skins or other cosmetics, but in this case its just not worth it.
Because of my health issues, the medications I have to take to live, I’m a big person and I really hate it, because it affects every aspect of my life. Video games help me escape my problems and be happy for a while. I don’t want to relive the trauma looking at the character I’m playing, so I can’t play Druid, its my favourite class since diablo 2, cant fully enjoy the game.
Today I wanted to give it a try (again, before i played druid in beta), i got to lvl 20, but when i visited Tul Dulra, and saw all other druid NPCs having model symillar in size to sorcerres or rogue, I just felt my PTSD when in middleshool i was the only one big person and the rest of my classmates ware thin, trauma woked up, and trust me it feels awful.
I’ve been really excited about D4 for years, I’ve waited so long patiently and it was worth it. But now i just can be excited about fiuture of the game, bacuse i dont think i will be there.
This is an absolutely amazing game, the graphics are stunning, the systems are innovative and great, the story is engaging. Only one thing, all of that doesn’t matter when you can’t play who you want - the long-awaited Druid class. I totally understand that you said you would like to recognize different classes just by looking at them, I think the armor aesthetic is enough in this case, many people would appreciate the change. Adding this option would help me and many other players enjoy the game more.

Sending a lots of love to Diablo team.
Best regards


Have the druid unique drops been fixed 8n the recent patch, or are they still droppibg barbarian loot?

This was fixed in one of the 1.0.2 hotfixes, over a week ago I believe.

Thanks, been holding off playing my druid until it was fixed

I feel you brother more character customization plz and please we need werebear and werewolf cosmetics
An idea i have is like give the the shapeshift cosmetics from the animal spirit and they could make the shapeshift look more like an eagle deer basilisk or wolf werewolf could look more wolflike with this like give it a tail and walk in 4s idk please more customization

I just found the Tempest Roar helm for my druid after grinding hell tides, nightmare dungeons and even normal dungeons. It was off a random champion in a random nightmare dungeon lol. There’s hope out there for anyone that’s still looking for one. Thank you Blizzard

I am a level 36 Druid and I have only gotten two legendary gear since playing the new season 1. My gf is level 32 Druid and hasn’t gotten any. I don’t know if it’s a bug, but I’m in world tier two the whole time and my friend has gotten a full kit of legendary gear on his rogue. And the tree of whispers never give me anything either. You make the game harder and don’t reward us for it. I hope it’s just a bug and y’all take a look. Thank you.

I have been playing the druid and getting very upset I’m playing as a werebear and the chest piece that keeps you in werebear form all the time I can’t seem to get I get the werewolf I have gotten nine werewolf ones but not the werebear. Please tell me where to get it thank you. I even changed to werewolf spent millions respecting to see if I could get a werebear but nope.

Reporting a bug with the dolmen stone amulet for Druid. When placing the amulet to activate the stones, they rotate around you. It doesn’t work well. On many occasions it stops working. It’s very annoying because it greatly affects my gaming experience. I have to remove and replace the amulet or teleport to a place and then return to solve it. I appreciate working on this bug as soon as possible.

I am an Xbox Series X player

I do not know if you guys are looking for any potential ideas for improvements to builds. but I have been playing a pet druid this season and have a idea or two to potentially bring it in line with some of the other classes.

  1. Either add core or wrath tag to the wolves, it is the main source of damage for the companion build but cannot even take advantage of the shepherds affix for having lots of companions. another way would be to just add the chain tag into the shepherds affix itself to include core/wrath/chain get 10x per companion.
  2. More synergy with established mechanics, aspects like unsatiated do not seem to work for the wolves even though my wolves have the werewolf tag. the wolves also seem to not be gaining bonuses from several bonus glyph multipliers or the multipliers from electric shock.

if a dev reads this thank you for considering my ideas and fellow pet druid players I am interested in your thoughts on the changes I mentioned

You guys got no clue wth is this abysmal called buffs for druid?!?!?! This is not even close enough for the class to be viable while you buffing barb again and again

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I really like playing the landslide/storm proccing build. it looks and feels good to play but i have a hard time scaling up my damage. when i was playing barbarian i just built a bash from the maxroll builds and got like 8million damage hits like right when i hit lvl 100 with no masterworks. my druid on the otherhand is now fully masterworked and i still have yet to see any hit dealing damage even close to a not masterworked baba.

my highest crits with this druid is under 10 million damage. while the bash baba ez got to 150 million damage with much less effort.

i belive that since some classes carry less items, and this leuge is all abot temperings baba balance got way out of hand due to the 4 wepon slots.

i have tried to stack alot of willpower on me to increase my damage.
same as i did with baba to scale up damage amongst other things.

i think you need to give druid. More %increased skillpower per Willpower point buff his overall damage or something along this lines. because i was reading this patch notes and see “oh 5% attackspeed oh 5% procc chance they do care” then i look to baba and see whirlwind 250%dmg increase. Comon we get 5% they get 250% its not fair at all that i did tier 100 pit with baba ez and slay all uberbosses with next to no effort
and grind for a week on druid to almost be able to do a pit tier 100 and still cant kill them ubers.

You increase alot of things in this patch allaround for druid it looks like alot of changes but REALLY its almost nothing for most builds… if u made like druid gets more damage per willpower or something it would strenghen all druid builds instead of buffing a minor stat here and there.

I really enjoy druid and will continue my efforts to try and make this build stronger. also i went into this wanting to play the “worst charachter” for the challange. but for now i guess i have to play on pit lvl 80 and turn of damage numbers to feel strong.

The proc chance and attackspeed is not my issues with druid it is damage scaling. Maybe instead of making 5% more procc chance to nature’s fury u made it that the proccs did More %damage like 250%x so i could kill some higher tiers like regular barbarians.