Weird i cant find a helpful post

I forgot who mentioned to me that s7 is going to have a cool feature of farming sparks via rep again. I just wanted to reply to them i did some research and it seems s7 is going to be around witch doctors and not vampires…

ugh witch doctors were my least favorite things about d3. After I saw that I dont think i will be trying s7 afterall…

still blizzar i cant find that post, i think there was a lot of good info in it.

It’s not witch doctors either. It’s witch powers. Here is the blog post detailing what’s coming in the PTR for season 7. Patch notes will be released today. The 2.1 PTR: What You Need to Know

oh i could have swore when i watched some random streamer than got all excited and couldnt contain thier joy when they said it was witch doctor style theme (they did say witches too) but they said witch doctor more then once so I just assumed witch doctor…

Thanks for clearing that up!