Weapon expertise

If i’m using for example 2h axe, will i gain 2h sword buff while using other weapons than 2h sword? (i have equipped 2h sword technique)

Yes. That’s the whole point of the system.

so i read that if i will be using any weapon other than 2H sword i will only get one buff, and 2 buffs while using 2H sword. am i right?

Whatever expertise you select, that’s what you get for all weapons/skills.

So if you want more crit damage, select 2H bludgeon, for example.

The Expertise you select will apply to all weapons, in addition to the natural one for the specific weapon you actually use.

If you’re attacking with a 2H sword, and have the 2H sword Expertise selected, you do not double the benefits, you waste your selection.

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it is said that i will gain “20% of direct damage you deal is inflicted as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds” buff while using any weapon,

but if i will use 2H sword i will gain “20% of direct damage you deal is inflicted as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds” as well as
“You deal 30% increased Bleeding damage for 5 seconds after killing an enemy.” buff.
at this point i already understood this system but i just wanted to make sure how it works. Thank you for replying. Good luck hunting demons. :smiley:

This is a system I don’t really understand at all. I guess it means I’m leveling up my weapons, but I never let that dictate what weapons I equip. I simply throw on the highest iLevel that drops for me.

I don’t really get weapons switching. Is that something that I need to do? I just use my abilities and hope for the best. The “weapon master“ paragon board is really not something I get at all.

in my opinion it just imitates the berserker getting better with fighting specific weapon type as the champion gets more used to it as time flyes by, i think if you just use for example 2H axe you level up your fighting skills with 2H axes. You can also try to click “s” on your keyboard to see what skills are you currently using, in some of them you can select which weapon your berserker should use while casting the skill. maybe it will level up faster the weapon type you want to max. Also, i think its obvious but to gain buffs you must select which weapon expertise type you want to use, then you will gain only one buff with any other weapon, and two buffs when fighting 2h axe having equipped 2h axe expertise.

You have to use the weapon to gain the level 10 secondary mod. Selecting an Expertise just gives the first mod to any weapon used.

We need a buff for lvl up faster… I am lvl 85 And I only have 1 weapon to lvl 10

You have to swap the weapon to your main skill or put a point into something like WW temporarily and use it to level it. Leveling Weapon Techniques is dumb. I hope they just take it out. If it is on your Main Skill, you hit LVL cap in like a few hours. If it isn’t and it is on Leap or something, it takes forever.

This does not encourage players to try new builds, it is just a nuisance of having to do something or play in a way you do not want to do.

I know I use WW to lvl up it but it to slow.

Leveling your expertise seems to have been nerfed in some way. It’s taking a lot longer now than it used to.