We wish we could order blacksmith to craft infinite chests (stash tabs as many as you want) by using ores, golds, and/or other necessary materials on World Diablo 4

We have been demanding infinite chests (stash tabs as many as you want) on Game Diablo IV. World of Diablo IV has plenty of areas to place chests, and also plenty of ores, golds, and/or other necessary materials for blacksmith to craft infinite chests (stash tabs as many as you want) for collecting items and/or things. We have been believing that Game Diablo IV had to have infinite chests (Stash tabs as many as you want) since Game Diablo IV was released on June 6, 2023. Infinite chests (Stash tabs as many as you want) had to be created by activity(s) in Game Diablo IV, not by platinums and/or real moneys, since Game Diablo IV was released on June 6, 2023.

Who is we? I don’t wish this.

Infinite might be too much. However double the current amount would be nice.

Now, Chests and Stash tabs are not balance on Game Diablo 4. We must have infinite stash tabs for balance on Game Diablo IV.