We want more weapons than the barbarian!

It’s time for the barbarian to lose his absurd advantage over other classes.

We want the Spritborn with 6 weapons! 4 with two hands! If possible, 8 weapons.

We do not accept anything less than 6.



Eight two handers, one in each hand.


I do not agree with you. Why should there be a limit?


One arm should he a Swiss army knife, and the other a bazooka.


I shall like my head,chest,torso and gloves to be 2H weapon slot too


I think I counted six arms in the trailer.

Can I have a kuanyin like character? She got a thousand arms.

How about a Belt Slot with an Offensive or Utility Aspects and Shoulder Pads with a Utility/Defensive Aspect at 1.5x like Amulet?

Most likely this will be the least equiped character due to (what is told and shown so far) can only use two handed weapons being glaives, pole-arms, and quarterstaffs. Unlike the Druid, Sorc, and Necro who can equip an offhand and one hand; the Rouge who can equip bow and two one hand; or the Barb which will likely keep it position in its uniqueness as being the weapon tote of them all.

Plus two more Ring slots for the lore accurate nipple piercings