We need Instanced World Housing / More Social Tools. Game is getting boring

I want to play. I like the combat, graphics, sounds, theme, etc. However, I can barely log in for more that 5 minutes without shutting it off.

Granted, I am “Ubered out” with everything done / earned. But this mindset sunk in just over a month into the season.

It’s clear that this game isn’t your typical Diablo game. They added a lot of MMORPG elements… Just not the ones that get people sticking around.

People played games like World of Warcraft, EverQuest, and Star Wars Galaxies for years straight. It was because of the social tools.

One of those tools was housing.

We need instanced housing: If you save up a mega horde of gold (1 billion+), you can purchase your own instanced room at one of the major cities. Inside your room, you can display / store items and trophies on your wall etc. You can visit the rooms of your friends to see their layouts and successes.

We need something that doesn’t have an end …

Guild Houses for clans? Anything…


just saying, we all are bored, season 3 is lasting for 4 months ^^

im honestly not sure if housing really fits into diablo, but i agree, we need more social tools in game.


So basically you want what PoE, Torchlight 3, and Lost Ark have. While I wouldn’t throw it out of the realm of possibility, I don’t see it happening anytime soon. Not to mention you do realize with this suggestion it also opens up a lot more items to buy in the shop.

Oh sure we’ll get some basic items to decorate with by just playing the game, but the ‘cool’ looking items will be purchased with platinum. Be careful what you wish is for us all I’m saying.


Honestly, this is the mentality that makes me write off Blizzard products now. They are “money first” driven, instead of “player first”. They just have no capability of making things for the community and letting the money come to them, and instead focus on trying to “weasel” money from players in as many ways as possible, by locking as much content as they can get away with behind paywalls. It’s such an aggravating mentality, and if it continues the same way (which I don’t really see changing now that they are under Microsoft), Diablo V will just end up being the same crap-shoot of a product.


sooo… why are you still supporting blizzard boi?

i mean, you are expecting DV troubling you already. go have a great time! there is no need to grief over a game purchase.

What content is locked behind a paywall? I mean not counting the entire game because you have to actually pay for it to play it. We get new content every 3 months that’s absolutely free. Season 4 is going be massive and again it’s entirely free. So I don’t see this paywall you speak off.


Honestly, I have stopped supporting them for the most part, since the D3 expansion. I bought D2R, as that was something worth supporting to me. I wasn’t even planning on getting D4 at all, but ended up getting it for a present. I tried it, and shelved it at least until they make some attempts to fix the gameplay. We’ll see what they do with the future, and what they decide to paywall behind the expansion, but more than likely I will continue to move on to other developers that actually care about their communities and produce good games.

i wouldnt bother. most of the explanations are rather… vague :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

tl;dr you will stick to diablo 4. i mean, critique is awesome of course…LE cares about its community… look where they are now :S

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I was thankful D4 doesn’t offer P2W tactics, or even pay for convenience features. That being said it may be the last game of theirs to do so. It sucks but MTX make a lot of money.

What’s even worse is I can easily see Blizzard going down the mobile game route. We already have Hearthstone, D:Immortal, and now Warcraft Rumble. Would not surprise me in the least if StarCraft got a mobile game iteration. They make money and are far more accessible world wide. The mobile gaming community is so much larger than the PC/Console communities combined, it’s not even close.

I’ve said it before, but D4 may be the last game I purchase from Blizzard. No doubt I’ll get the expansions if I think they’re worth it, but let’s just say if D5 is ever released, I won’t be first in line to purchase it. I’ll gladly wait to see how the game actually is upon launch before making a decision.


Cosmetics are content, whether you agree or not, and it is what they decided they can get away with so far, at least until the expansion. Honestly, in-game shops are a plague upon the industry (or out of the game DLC factories like Capcom’s Steam releases or games like Stellaris and Cities Skylines kind of monetization models), as well as the Battle-Pass monetization model.

honestly, i see this happening as well.

luckily we can enjoy d4 and hope this situation will take a few years ^^


Nope. Cosmetics are not content. Content is something you can actually do.

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I haven’t played Diablo IV since before seasons started, other than to try the PTR for a bit. I do enjoy LE more than DIV, but for the most part, I have gone back to Grim Dawn. I do plan on trying No Rest for the Wicked, and I will look at PoE 2 when it launches (although I doubt I will get into it, as I am not a fan of GGG’s business model with PoE 1).

Other than that, I will stick with older games, for the most part, beyond the very few developers that produce good games for players (so far, FROM and Larian) that I am interested in.

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It is part of it. Cosmetics help enhance the things that you do, and are part of the “chase” for “things to unlock”. They used to be part of a game that you bought, until some decided they could monetize them separately and sliced them out of the game to sell back to players later to weasel more money.

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thats a lot of text for a reply about “other games”

i mean, i dont care what you play, or are going to try^^ i hope you are absolutely nicely entertained with whatever you play.

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Agreed, I’ll enjoy D4 for as long as I can. We’ll just say I’m skeptical for the future of Blizz games. Doesn’t mean I won’t keep an open mind of course. Just means I’m going to be more cautious when they announce a new game.


Why are you on the forums then? Is your life so empty you have to kill time in the forums of a game you haven’t played for approaching 10 months?

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Because I actually do want Diablo IV to become a good game. I would rather see it evolve into something that is worth playing rather than floundering about in mediocrity for its lifetime, especially since that will give more hope for future titles of theirs (like a Diablo V), as well as even the expansions and engagement in general.

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If that’s true than actually provide constructive feedback. Go play the game and report back on the things you see. Don’t just sit and whine about things they won’t change. MTX stores are part of modern gaming, that’s not going to change. Provide feedback on actual game mechanics and systems.


If you look at my post history, I have provided a lot of feedback already. Now it is just waiting to see what they actually do. Given what they have done so far, I don’t have a lot of hope, but I am still willing to give them a chance. I can follow the patch releases and the campfire chats to see how they have “fixed” issues. I don’t need to continue to eat a crap sandwich to find out if it has a creamy center.

MTX is a part of “modern gaming” only as long as people accept them. If people stopped supporting the practices, guess what? They would stop being done. For the most part, I am doing my part, and not supporting them.

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