"We hear you." The new Blizz meme

Blizzard: “Sorc and Druid players, We hear you.” Queue rambling about classes being weak, needing buffs, hard to balance Barb arsenal system … further drivels into Barbarians.

Patch notes: Sorcs get nerfs all around. Druids got some hefty changes and nerfs as well.

“We hear you.”

What exactly have you heard?


They heard a reddit post from a year ago that people want purple color on uniques instead of gold. As a D2 fan I’m not happy about it cuz golden theme was nostalgic (just as few uber uniques being items from D2). At least normal uniques stay as they were (I hope so).

Apparently some color blind people complained about it but couldn’t they just enable already existing option for it? I think purple color would fit more for Occultist related crafting, maybe replacing orange legendary instead.

Anyway prepare for purple green Shakos.

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Can I just say your whole reply is just amazing. No doubt other people won’t get it at all, but this was well done.

I love it lol :slight_smile:

“We hear you, we are just ignoring you”


Them “hearing” us doesn’t mean they care.

You know, like when you’re in a grocery store. You hear the music playing, but you aren’t listening to it. It’s just background noise.

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the cries from barbs whining that a single sorc player has higher softcore pit clears than them…which is unacceptable! on the plus side, they are nerfing the crap out of sorc and buffing barbs even more. so, all will be right in the world of barblo 4.