We had 26 start in a Discord on release. Only 4 of us are still playing

Started a Discord with friends from social media when the game came out. 26 of us jumped into the game with about 20 buying early release. 2/3’s beat the campaign but that’s where most of them stopped. The others just stopped logging in. A few would jump in for world boss kills but the past week, no one really seems to cares about those anymore and aren’t logging in. I get that not everyone is going to continue to play but to see us go from 20 on line at a time during the first week to 2-4 of us even logging into the game is a huge drop off. They’re playing games, just not Diablo. I was hoping for a game that I could play with my friends on and off for the next year or so but we didn’t even make it through the first two weeks. I’m not sure how Blizzard can fix this one.


my group of friends played for about a week and a half casually and they are already back to doing ARAMs


I finally bought the game less than a week ago and my friend who was playing since early launch hasn’t logged in since several days before I bought it. Sample size of one, I know, but it has happened. I need to contact him outside the game and see if there’s any salvaging it, knowing him he may be fully intending to pick it back up at the start of season one. So that may be a thing, who knows.

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Yea unless im taking my couple friends through nightmare tiers they cant hope to do, they dont even feel like playing either. The game is fun but it really deters the average person from playing once they realize their items at 730 are about as good as its gonna get…so pushing the character to 100 is just a pointless grind with a paragon board as a reward that is extrnely underwhelming. None of them fealt any sort of urge to even try and get statues or renown, which at this point for me would be a welcome break as i chase tempest roar with no real thought it will drop.


A lot of people aren’t that interested in endlessly grinding loot for its own sake, and in the solo campaign, the swamp really drags the pacing down.

It’s First Year Diablo, and every Diablo is radically different. It’s okay if a million or so people are just waiting for seasonal content or future Acts to the story.


I think this is one issue - Hawazar was really quite boring


I am head-up-my-own-shorts in love with this new Diablo, but that Act will have me slumping over and looking for a place to nap at least a few times.

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Since they lack gameplay creativity so bad, they could just bring D3 grs back (because it was the only thing that worked in D3) and D2 itemization, as people still play D2 because of how loot and drops are designed there. This would keep people playing D4 for a while -)


Reports from the Western Front have also indicated significant drop off of Twitch viewership up to 40% the situation is looking grim. Dark days in hell are indeed ahead for us gentlemen.

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Same here, started being 5, which 3 quit 2 weeks after launch and the 3 of us left 1 quit yesterday and probably my last friend and I will quit before Monday.

I’m 73 and I 'm bored to tears every time I log in. It’s just the same things all the way up to 100 and it’s not worth it and it’s not fun anymore.


Most people are going to stop shortly after the campaign ends and never come back.

The game’s dated in so many ways. You’d think they’d want to make a new arpg for the 2020 decade, but that’s really not what they did.


They could drop level cap to 80 and it would be fine. I’m currently 79 and haven’t had an item upgrade in like 6 levels. I got pretty lucky on gear early on. It was great at the time but now upgrades are hard to come by. I ran nightmares all last night and didn’t even see anything worth trying to reroll.

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Everyone I started with is still playing.


Its kinda repetitive tbh. Go to nightmare dungeon. Find mostly crap gear and some gear that may look better you arent sure is better and repeat.


Run around looking for lilith statues

Or look for an event

And add 1 more paragon point after the slow leveling process.

Im still playing but i kinda feel like , “meh, i might stop soon”. There just isnt much else to play.


Yep, this is essentially what the game is past 75…for most.

Small sample size here two. Two bought early access, two stopped after 80 and 100. Dungeon density nerfs were pretty much the beginning of the end. Dungeons, grinding, farming started to be less enjoyable. Tried to roll alts and realized they had no build variety. Stash and inventory became a chore. Defeating fog of war and gathering teleports became a chore. I hung in longer than my friend but we both haven’t logged in for awhile. In hindsight, past 60-70 when we found ancestral gear, we just played harder to get the dopamine hits. They never came. Never found good pieces in 15 levels with noticeable improvements. Sigils and NM dungeons were annoying and unfun. Just felt like a broken hamster wheel.


The white knights coming in with stockholme syndrome saying Diablo 4 is good.


After a certain point of time, you’d really have to be Simple Jack to enjoy a lot of these game loops. If you have zero understanding of itemization and just equip whatever item drops I guess this game could still be exciting. If you find helltides and zerged WB’s exciting, I guess you’re in for life. If you’ve never played an ARPG… If you think NM dungeons are well designed/rewarding/challenging…

Maybe playing pre-mob density soured my tastes for the game as well. After that the dungeons became very unfun offered zero challenge. The only time the game gave you a little sweat was when you had a bunch of mobs on your face and tons of CC being thrown down.

Whats really sad about the game is there is maybe enough content here to retool with limited development resources to generate a meaningful endgame…

It’s very clear why the dungeon nerfs and mob density nerfs were so important. If you didn’t do it then, they’re be so many more people that reached this point in the game and started to grab the pitchforks.


Yeah, it’s interesting. Even the friends I knew that said the game was fantastic and there are no problems – They don’t play anymore either. They say it’s due to other games they’d rather play. But it’s much more, denial.

However I’m starting to hear “yeah, but it’s just running the same nightmare dungeon over and over again”.

Repetition is fine in Diablo. It’s the basis of the game really. But you need to have the end game meta loop in place. You need to have the carrot on a stick. You need to have a progression of power. And you need to let people spread their time out across the game farming different things without lowering their chance at GG drops. Drops that seemingly don’t really exist anyway.


And? Not everyone is sitting above a sh*tbucket. And people have actually real life things to do too. It is normal that you play a game for some hours or 1-2 weeks intensly and then go on with your life.
OP if you are a game addict, that’s fine, it is your life. But don’t assume everyone should be a nolifer.