We are standardizing the density of elite monsters

This isn’t what’s happening tho. I’m clocking the ruins at 85,000 xp per minute now. Whereas places like Calibel’s or Uldurs is 130,000 xp per minute. So they aren’t bringing places in line. They are nerfing them into garbage. If they were trying to bring the ruins in line with other place, then it would be almost double the xp they nerfed it to. Is 85k/min the goal? It’s absolute molasses.


There are other places that you can clock in 180k to 200k efficiently. I’m not saying that’s a solution as the entire thing is a mess, but 85k per minute is insanely low. I’d pull my hair out.

And no, I will not list those places on these forums. I’d like to get at least one character to 100 before my places are caught in the nerf trap. But I’ll tell you it’s definitely not nightmare dungeons.


I know a great way for them to standardise the density of elite monsters in dungeons, it’s called rifts and greater rifts.


I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t either. It’s not a matter of bringing dungeons in line so they are evened out. It’s about nerfing them all to the slowest possible. Probably to social engineer us to use their preferred way we play, nightmare dungeons.

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I will.

Iron Hold/Champions Demise/Charnel House/Uldur’s Cave/Blind Burrows.

And we don’t need to standardize density Blizz. Some dungeons being better for raw exp farm in exchange for greater difficulty/density is OK…

Those are all about 140k/hr at best. People saying more are just making things up or getting lucking with pylons and calling it an average.

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I assume you mean per minute… and if you’re doing them wrong maybe.

You weren’t getting max XP for running all of Eridu either

Yes, I was. 90 second runs each time. The loading between games is the killer. You must not be including that in your calculation.

If you were clearing Eridu, you were doing it “wrong.”


Uldur’s is worth a little under 180k/minute. I tested it over an entire hour. And that’s solo, grouping would be much better obviously.

We are talking about the kill all first stage…

Exactly… So just like Eridu there are specific ways you run those dungeons that can dramatically impact how much exp/hr you get.

If you’re running them and getting

then you’re doing it wrong lol.

I dont understand why they are nerfing everything. INCLUDING the barb. what did blizzard do? watch rob on youtube build a full endgame whirlwind barb then decide to nerf the barb to trash? meanwhile every sorcerer or rogue i come across in legion events just 1 shots everyhing. I probably would have built a barb on my own as i loved them in diablo 2. but, from now on ill check youtube for the most talked about classes before i build a class so i can build something different that wont get nerfed until its trash.

Why not? It would make more sense for every dungeon to be equally playable so you can just go to whichever one you like, no?

If one is strictly better than another in terms of XP/hour, then everyone will just run that same dungeon… over and over… for all of time

And we are talking only about those ways. This thread is for people that already know the optimal ways, and their discussion. Euridu is optimally 85k now. If you say otherwise, you aren’t including reload times.

Because exp/hr isn’t the only metric. And not everyone can solo every dungeon at max speed.+

I was getting about 120k steadily over the course of an hour when I tested. Maybe it’s you?

This is insanity, I don’t know how grindy they want their game to be, but this is too much. A lot of dungeons are simply not fun, making everything in your game not fun is a great way to make people change their reviews.

In just 3 days we’ve went from packs of 5 elites to packs of 1-2 elites to 5 regular mobs an back to 1-2 elites. I’ve been to dungeons with a single boss pack, who knows maybe the rest were hidden spawns but I don’t wanna play like that.

The game was 8/10 on Monday, today it’s like 6/10 and that’s just because of the story and general polish.

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This is the truth. I’ve gone from very excited to just frustrated and barely wanting to log in. All because of their relentless nerfing of anything fun or allowing people to feel powerful. Any kind of density. Deleting it all.

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I feel like the end goal would be to make every dungeon equal, in every aspect. XP/hour, loot/hour, mob density, whatever. Why would this be a bad thing?

The best elite mob density isn’t even in any of the dungeons, so I don’t know why all you whiners are crying about dungeons being normalized.

Such a dynamic defeats any motivation to roll certain or other characters that might excel at particular dungeons. They should be different in that certain specs should excel beyond other specs just based on the dungeon mechanics/setup/mob types alone.

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