We are at Hotfix 9 and Druids still looting Barbarian unique items

I searched the forums posted in each class forums about this.

None of my friends who play other classes get non usable unique items (from other classes)
None of the responses in the other class forums indicate that this is a general thing.
So maybe this was already answered, but why do Druids loot unique barbarian items?
And is this intended?

I am pretty sure the Dev Team is looking into a lot of more important stuff right now, I simply hope this could get a little attention / priority as well, since it becomes very frustrating spending the time and your reward becomes a slap in the face.

Oddly enough I wouldn t be so dissapointed, if it was a general thing impacting everyone.
But since it seems to be only druids …

So fellow druids try and upvote this topic if you feel the same way.
Maybe it will get some attention.


Now you mention it its true i drop Barbarian Unique but never other class unique is it a bug ?

It’s confirmed bug. There is even mention of it by DM:Diablo 4 youtube channel.

I doubt this is just xyz fix, but don’t doubt it’s priority to fix

edit: for those curious, he covers the source of the confirmation also:

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OMG is this really a confirmed bug?! I felt kinda paranoid about dropping 7 barb uniques out of my 9 uniques I dropped so far! Glad to hear it is not only my bad luck

Dang, i must be unlucky, then. Not a single item for any other classes, including barb. I wouldnt mind finding the odd item from other classes once in a while. Would let me save some of those powerful build changing uniques up for alt characters when i decide to make one.


Hi, there! I have the same stuff, 5 uniques dropped for Barbs, hope, u guys will fix it!

Same here. I’m at 4 out of 4 for Druid uniques so far, hell 2 of em were for the build I’m running (waxing gibbous and mad wolf’s). Yet on the other hand I haven’t seen a single legendary with the dire wolf aspect so I guess that’s where all my luck was pulled away from.

On topic though, it really should be looked at and at least officially mentioned if this indeed bugged for just druids, because it really ruins the mood after finally getting a unique only for it to be for a different class and completely unusable.

I posted this in another thread but the fact we have to use twitter to find out this information is ridiculous. What is the point of these forums? Also twitter and most social media should not be used a primary delivery platform since it is not centralized and honestly it is a total s**t show anyway.

I bet we don’t see a fix until season1 since we have had a bunch of hotfixes and no mention of it. Really make playing a druid more difficult.


It’s OK I am making barbarian soon :joy:

Also, what are we going to get as compensation for the big? It’s bs. The acknowledge it’s an issue, but it’s not right we are stuck with Barb drops and missing out on what we need/want.

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I still got my Vasily helm, multiple chest pieces for werewolf and werebear as well. Funny thing is I don’t think I will use any of them as my build seems to be working fine without.

Could you share your build, im stuck on level 70 capstone dungeon and looking for a non unique dependent build

I sincerely hope this is talked about in tomorrow’s camp fire chat.


I just want a fix. I have gotten all of the barbarian unique weapons and some of them twice and still no Greatstaff of the Crone.

Gotta love the fact that half of my uniques I got are barb weapons I cant even use.

Could be staff of crone. Or bear armor. Or wolf armor. Or anything useable.
But nah, barb weapon.

But hey, blizz nerfed dungeons like 5th time, proceeded to finally fix gamebreaking bugs reported since beta two weeks after launch when people farmed lilith with them, but cant fix one stupid loot table.

Thats just pathetic.

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At this moment I have 16 Ancient Oath’s (couple of Overkills and Hellhammers). I have so many barbarian axes I’m considering roleplaying as an axe-throwing barbarian defender of Mount Arreat from D2:LoD. 91,5 levels in and still no Tempest Roar in sight. I wonder if I will be able to finish my build before hitting 100.


ITS SO FRUSTRATING, lvl71, t4 since 62 and still not a single druid unique, also the aspects don’t drop, i still have only 1x the tornado seek aspect (imprinted, so no chance to switch weapon atm) and the 2 grizzly aspects i NEVER seen so far!