WB die way, way, waaaay too fast in WT4

This is what I was talking about. You need a time out bud.

Whatever you say, Captain Hall Monitor. /salute.

You can always click the flag of any post you consider toxic, select the category “Inappropriate”, read the forum rules under this category to ensure the post fall under the scope.

I got one forum user banned two days ago by flag him, the Blizzard moderator is actually active in the background. Just a matter whether he agree with your flag or not.

To know whether user receive the ban, check back the same thread after 24 hours. If you don’t see his post or his name in any forum thread means he is gone for good.

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Oh I did that already, I just have the courtesy of letting the other person know so they have a chance to grow and learn.

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As long as they are the way they are that’s all they’re good for. If they had possible rewards and difficulty commensurate with the need to wait around and go fight them then people would put the effort in. As it stands their only purpose is to collect bloods and Varshan mats…that’s it. So why care if the fights last 30 seconds longer? Why care if the stuff is just put in my bags every three hours? It’s the same difference. Most people just afk worldbossfights anyway on T4. They’re dead before they can harm anyone.

So they either rework the whole fights where teamwork and coordination are required or they just make a loot pickup station. The cancer is in the design, not the people resigned to having to deal with it as it is. Get your head out of your butt. Nowhere did I say I wouldn’t rather have a meaningful challenging fight with good rewards worth doing. I said since it is like it is there’s no need to prolong the process and he might as well just fall over upon spawning.

As to your idea of basing rewards off statistics for the fight? No one dies. No one but the meta flavor of the season even hits the boss to do dps and that’s a one-shot. Dumbest suggestion in a long history of them on this board.

I hope they get a massive HP buff in s4, would be cool if they atleast last a 1 minute or 2 minimum in WT4.

I see the issue here, WB and endgame in the same sentence.

You’re adorable. I replied to to a guy calling people a cancer and all I said was that he sounds like he would MMOs over ARPGs and I’m the toxic one.

Absolutely amazing. But feel free to report me. Nothing I said was against any ToS.