Wasn't "succeed after failing" fun? (Tempering)

It still makes blood mist better. Just switch your build if it bothers you that much.

Masterworking in and of itself is a contained system that you do not need to interact with at all to complete all other content in the game (some builds cant do pinnacle bosses without it i suppose)

its super annoying when u finaly drop almost a perfect item which is already super rare and then u brick it taking the fun out of dropping something good,because it turns into vendor trash and if u have a good item and u roll good enaughe stat(lowest but correct type) u may never touch it again…
And! its seem to be weighted which makes it even more frustrating if u got only 5 rolls

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My lord, now we’re suffering!

If the game is so painful why the heck are you still here several days later arguing?

You need some help.

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I have 3 toons 2 of them have 3g/a weapons with the rolls i want. I have a couple stored up i might sell. I prob only bricked 2 and that was trying to reroll for a different build. I do notice that some affixes are harder to get but other then that not to many problems with the system.

But it doesn’t make your current build better. That is the point.

You’re not going to constantly change your build just because you found a random item with a random stat. If you do, your build will most likely get worse.

The only type of player who does it is the one who has no idea about the game and is trying things… And even a novice would understand that receiving an attribute that you don’t want is bad.

We?? You are not part of those affected. You can’t use “We”.

It is not obvious? It’s because I want it not to be “so painful”.
And it’s a piece of the game, NOT THE WHOLE game.

First “we” and then the whole game… you were possessed by the demon of the fallacy by generalization (or some other weird cousin of his). You have lost all sense of logic…

And you need better arguments, more time thinking and better ways to try to insult me.

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I’m not insulting you at all. I’m speaking the truth of your statements.

If you think playing a game makes you “suffer” then you have serious problems, examples by your consistent presence with said game.

So either you are just being an overdramatic fool and say you “suffer” because your point is completely stupid, or you need therapy.

That’s what you’re here doing. I suspect you’re an overdramatic fool though, because you demand a company change the entire progression because you didn’t get what you want.


Let’s be honest, we both know I’m right, and this/your answer is nothing more than an attempt to do the same thing again.

There is NO perfect game. ALL games have something bad. And yet YOU AND I play video games.

Why don’t we stop playing games even though they have bad things? because the good outweighs the bad.

Does that mean that bad is good? NO.
Does it mean that the bad should be left unfixed? NO.

It’s like a Bug that affects a single class. It doesn’t affect everyone. It doesn’t affect all builds, but it is undoubtedly something bad, and therefore something that needs to be fixed.

I’m here supporting the cause to fix this “bug”.

Now, can you say I’m exaggerating when using the word suffering? Yes, you can say it, but you can’t deny that many players feel bad. Change all the words “suffer” to “feel bad” and none of my arguments will be less valid than before.

You’re not going to “get me” for using a word that we both know exactly what it means.


Now, I used the word “bug” as a trap, let’s see if you fall into it. I already know what to answer.

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I play some bad games for sure, but you’re the only one who says they make you suffer.

Self abuse is not a good thing,take a break.

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Oh… too bad, you didn’t fall into the trap…

Well, as I said before, change everything for “feel bad”. That’s the true meaning, and again, we both know it.

Then you’ll say something like “it’s not spelled with S, it’s with X”, or something like that… Arguing about the word is pointless and a desperate act on your part.

I have no attachment to the word “suffer”, not to mention that I mentioned it for the first time in message number 100 in this thread.

Oh god! you used once a word I don’t like, you should be ashamed. SHAME!

So true.

I’m definitely not. I’m asking for scaling cost re-rolls (I have specifically stated that) or would consider an expensive reset, like masterworking. I can’t speak for others, but as for me at least, that’s no more “guaranteed success” than saying “if I hit enough monsters I’ll eventually get an esu” or anything like that. If the outcome is still random it’s not guaranteed anything, and if the resource is increasing time/gold/mats, it’s in line with literally everything else in the game.

You do not find almost perfect items. You find items with 3/5 good affixes with the remaining 2 affixes yet to be determined.

You are not bricking the item as it’s no less useful after Tempering than it was before Tempering.

Truly bricking means you have a good item, which you take a risk trying to make it even better but it is actually made useless. That’s just not what’s happening with Tempering. An item that hasn’t been Tempered, even with GAs, is rarely an upgrade vs a Tempered item with no GAs but with the right Tempers. It’s incomplete. It starts off as a brick which maybe you can unbrick. It’s a promising brick, but still a brick. You can’t brick a brick. :slight_smile:

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It’s a psychological issue, not a literal one. That should be obvious.

It had potential before tempering. Now it has none. Is that better?


Agreed, it’s a phycological issue which I think this mindset mitigates to a large extent and, if it can be ‘chosen’, lessens frustration. And could also save people a lot of gold as the prices some people are paying for incomplete items is ridiculous.

Yes, it had potential, now it doesn’t. Unless it’s useable for another build you are interested in.


i like tempering as it is :+1: