Warcraft Legends II cosmetics are live (Lich King for Necromancer)

dont buy it then.

also, low effort trolling. do better.

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Quit switching between your two profiles, both of which are set to private so nobody can put you on ignore. We pity you, that this is your life. We donā€™t respect any opinion you may have.

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learn how to use forums. you can set private profiles on ignore.

if you ask really nicely, i eventually tell you how to.
give it your best shot.

Hilarious, but youā€™d be wrong.

We? Soā€¦ waitaminuteā€¦ in your opening sentence you complain about one person being two - *then you literally just call yourself ā€œweā€. :rofl:

And yet you demand respect for yours? Ive laid out the facts, quite clearly. But Iā€™ll restate for the slower ones.

Cosmetics have been in since day 1. If you disliked that model so much, you shouldnā€™t have been playing at all. For example, I object to the P2W model D:I uses. I have never played it or even installed it. Iā€™ve never been to their forums.

But it obviously didnā€™t stop you (must have not bothered you that much), and itā€™s certainly not stopping you in VoH or patronizing the forums.


Lmao fr that guy is insane
Keeps me entertained :+1:

haha shivera i was assumed to be so many other people by now :smiley: im honored people think you are a second account of mine <3

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Hey waitā€¦ I thought you were MY second account!


You still missed the point. I never said Iā€™m against cosmetics. They should just reflect Diablo. The game is going to look like Fortnight.

PSA: Acoording to support, you can ignore prolific trolls getting around the ignore feature by setting their profile to private. They do this to abuse and troll others without being able to have their posts reported or easily blocked.

Simply go to your account settings, users, then type in the username above your block list. Voila! You never have to hear from unhinged users with over 10 000 forum posts!

lolā€¦ sure. Except for that big giant blue report button that looks like a flag on every post made. So report whatever youā€™d like. Does a private profile block that?

Ohhhhh! You mean you want to stalk a userā€™s posts and report every one of them? Sounds like what a creeper or basement dweller would do. Is that you? A basement dweller or creeper?

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I think they did well with the lich king (Try building your own mesh/model and textures for the charater first, then critique it), Especially when compared to the warcraft reforge model. Warcraft reforge armor doesnt look bad, but DOES look cartoony compared to this one. Diabloā€™s looks more like the player made models built by fans painstakingly rewatching over and over original Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne and original WOW Wrath of the Lich king cinamatic trailers. I canā€™t mod this game, and as more and more of you youngsters seem to care about ā€œvideo game achievement trophiesā€ (seriously never understood that) I am getting more and more restricted on what games I can personally alter.

I always found this characher hard to perfect because building larger armor models onto small human frames (like fallout and skyrim) is more difficult (for me) than shrinking-down pre-exhisting meshes onto (mesh wrapping) skinny custom female bodies. It would take me minutes to adjust my mods to cute female frames for fans, but forever to make large hulking armors, as most games donā€™t seem to have large hulking male body meshes for me to build off of.

If you noticed, the Lich King pants are like my mods, with Chainmail underneath (like the original cinamatics for the Lich King) not brown cloth like WOW, Heroes of TS or Reforged.

Iā€™m just too stoked about this, It looks so much better than my work, it almost nails exactly what I use to strive to make. Except I always made the bottom of the boots wider. I could never get the gloves or smoking eye trails just right. Iā€™d really would like to give whomever made the model a pat on the back.

Lich King should have been in a different class than a Necromancerā€¦ I mean I understand the undead partā€¦ But Arthas was a Death Knight and should have been a warrior in my book.

The skins are awesome and I bought a couple of them. Issue is their weapon is type specific e.g. Sylvana can only use her actual bow skin if you equip a bow while most rogue use crossbow instead. In my opinion, this warcraft legends skin should be either one handed or two handed type specific for transmorg in order to best represent the warcraft legends skin you purchased. Also Varian wyrnn weapon, Shalamayne, should be two handed and they should come with additional 2 x single handed weapon skin, Ellemayne and Shallaā€™tor, to beat represent Shalamayne when itā€™s split. Hope blizzard can take this into consideration and issue patch for these warcraft legends skin.

Got the kittyā€™s cuz this is as close as Iā€™m prolly getting to Nyan cat.

And the Bwonsamdi skin is awesome. Too bad that it comes with no weapon.

Andā€¦ Frostmourne!

Iā€™ll be eating instant ramen this month.

i am their target audience.

release a barb version of the lich king armor and they get my money

changing the mood and flavour of Diablo universe, like adding ketchup into the coffee.