Warcraft Legends II cosmetics are live (Lich King for Necromancer)

only if you are a good boy and keep being angry that you cant afford a skin.

I CAN afford the skins, I just don’t buy them because this is Diablo not World of WarCraft.

sure, if you say so :smiley:

Lol. Does daddy know what you spend his money on?

oh damn bruh, you got me good there :nail_care:

Players: “Blizzard should only sell cosmetic items to preserve the integrity of the game!”
Blizzard: “Okay, here’s some nice cosmetics. They’re a premium, but don’t affect gameplay in any manner”
Players: “RAGE!!!111!!!”

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The Lichking armor is awesome :slight_smile:
Its a shame though with the druid armors and a few others they insist on showing the midriff, At least give us a shirt option if you are going to continue to do this…

What’s funny is you don’t even realize you’re just proving my point with every insufferably smug rebuttal you make. 10k posts on the Diablo forums alone. Trying to lord finances over somebody.

If you wanna gurgle Blizzard’s mayonnaise then fine but do so where the rest of us don’t have to see you do it. Even 'tutes have shame.

/bye Felicia


theres no need for a rebuttal. Im just having my fun with the salty little being that you are.

Dont be too jealous my friend. its not a good look.

I like turtles :turtle:



Considering how many hundreds of thousands of people have downloaded and used my Lich king mods since Skyrim (and my various frostmourne mods in Fable, Soul Calibur, Elden Ring, etc (working on one for bonelab now)…, I’m all to happy to pay for one I am not having to make.

Damn, the necro one looks so good.

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World of Diablocraft…atleast they’ve found their target audience after a year :smiley:


It must be exhausting being you, humour less, and always licking the boots of your overlords.

Selling Warcraft skins, like this is Heroes of the Storm ISN’T respecting the franchise. Expect D4 to come to mobile devices everywhere within the coming years.

Then don’t buy them. I haven’t. I don’t own a single one, nor any premium mounts.

Did you buy VoH? Do you log in to D4? If you don’t like what D4 is - stop supporting it.

They’ve had these skins since Day 1. Yet… here you still are.

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Missing the point. Since it’s always online and a shared world, I do have to see those things. I wouldn’t care if I could play offline. I did not buy the expansion. Thanks for your interest. I did come back to check out the changes since I haven’t played since Season 3.

It’s still boring and chasing a walking portal around the map for five minutes, then clearing out said portal for medicore rewards has not convinced me to return. This is probably one of the laziest seasons I’ve ever seen across any ARPG. I guess they put all of their resources into the incomplete dlc they’re calling an expansion. Oh, and shop skins.

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What crap, if I want to play that cartoony garbage in war craft I would play war craft. You wankers just continue to disappoint

Loser, my gawd how sad

I didn’t say “see”. I said

I don’t drink beer. Yet I have to see people drinking it and billboards for it. But you know what I don’t do? I don’t go into a bar and tell everyone they shouldn’t be drinking beer or tell advertisers to stop selling beer ads.

And like I said before: