Wait... when did they add the Jeweler @ Tree of Whispers?

I literally only just noticed it. I’ve been going back to a major town for jewel stuff up until this very minute… :rofl:

Haha, yeah I didn’t notice it until a bit into this season. I suspect a patch at some point?

Or did it happen with this season? I quit earlier in s3.

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Hmm yeah I dunno, I just saw it but I don’t remember reading it in any patch notes. Of course that doesn’t mean much, I’m just laughing at myself because even though it’s not so noticeable in the environment, there’s a big jewel icon on the mini-map, I’m just on autopilot when I zing through there, so I never noticed!

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No worries. I did the same. LOL!

They did change some other NPCs in towns as well.

I wish there was a way to bind to teleport direct to tree of whispers waypoint - it’s annoying to navigate to it on the map every time I want to go there. If this was a thing I’d just go there every time instead of to random towns :stuck_out_tongue:

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Right!? I keep assuming they’ll add this at some point - it seems so necessary, it’d make things so much more seamless… oh well!

I mostly worry about it because I have to bring up the full screen map to go there, if I don’t teleport to town first. And of course, you can’t see your character when you do that.

While it’s usually low risk, if you take too long, you could get killed in HC while you faff about, and you can’t even see it coming. I’ve been hit by Helltide fireballs and all sorts of nonsense while I do that… :rofl: