VRAM leak over time?

Well, that’s interesting. Thanks for testing it out.

don’t mess with pagefile unless you’re an advanced user, and even with 128GB RAM you need the pagefile for tasks, set it to like 1.5x your total RAM if doing it manually normally.

Having custom set mine for years, I often ran mine with no page file at all.

But I find that with Windows 10 and newer, it needs at least a small enough page file to prevent some issues with some apps and setups. So there’s that.

My system is set to auto, but its automatically using 2048. For years I have normally disabled it completely. Never had problems once.

In fact, I will put this to the test right now. Disabling, then will run the game.

At least we know people with the Fenris error might be able to play if they increase the page file size.

Doesn’t seem like there’s anything I can do on my end to use high textures without issue. :pensive:


I went in and disabled the swap file completely. Rebooted. Went straight to bnet and started D4. Played for over 20 minutes, no problems at all.

I watched the VRAM and MEM while I was playing, maxed the VRAM out, and still no problems at all. It finally topped out with about 7500MB in VRAM and a bit over 14000 in RAM (but that includes everything running)

Went and checked, page file was still disabled.

So yeah. Works fine either way for me.

Obviously, that isn’t the actual issue, but something related. Figures.

I will leave it disabled for now, and continue testing it later this evening.

in my opinion, using amd, I notice a better performance with the SAM disabled

Not sure if it can help someone here.
but for me. after do this: VRAM leak over time? - #35 by Nightwolf-1868 - vram work better. but app still die(not sure if random thing or not). but if i change settings from full-screen window to window. app work perfect and run over 12 hour without die.

Just took a break from playing for 2 hours straight.

No issues, still have my swap file disabled. *shrug

More or less what I expected of it, but kinda hoped something goofy would happen when I turned it off.

Anyway. Swap file probably has no real effect, but it may worsen or better the issue, but you need to experiment I think.

Been testing for the past couple of hours.

Changed my page file from C: to D: (spare SSD)
Switch to custom size
Initial Size: 49152 (1.5x)
Max: 98304 (3x)

Will test again this evening to ensure that peak time traffic has no impact, but…
For the past 2 hours, I have to say it’s been ALOT better

Very FEW and I mean FEW dips, but these are mainly attributed when there are X amount of players and spell affects on screen (running legion events etc…)

19/06 Update: Tested last night, all seemed good.
Been on it again for an hour just now, smooth sailing.

I don’t know if it’s because of the VRAM since monitoring my VRAM usage it’s always just below the 8GB mark and doesn’t cross over since the beta, but the stutter is driving me absolutely insane. Every few seconds the game stutters and hangs I’m losing my mind over it.

I can play with 140 fps on ultra but the game stutters like Crisis on a pentium 3

Temperatures never go over 49 C, RAM is barely half used at 19 GB, cpu and gpu never max out.

It’s not lag either on my end because I’m on 200 MB/s wired fiber optic connection with no other usage and a 3 ms world ping across all the other games I play (WoW, GW2 etc.)

I’m on a 7gb/s M2 SSD with over 400 gigs space still free, a complete reformat and fresh install of a completely up to date OS and the problem persists. No antivirus, No external programs that interfere with settings like Geforce Experience, just a completely fresh install of OS, GPU drivers and Diablo 4.

The game drops to 2 fps for half a second every time a new asset is loaded into the VRAM, like when new players enter your area, when you mount up, or walk around.


I also have this VRAM leak. At some point, the 12GB of my 6700XT are full, and it seems that this leads to a complete system lock-up. In that case, I can’t do anything and have to hard-reset my computer.
The lockup happens completely randomly. Sometimes I can play for almost 4 hours without problem, and other times it happens 3 or 4 times in our hour.


Bonjour a tous . je suis joueur Belge et j’ai pareil que vous à 100%. Aucune solution viable nul part

I was messing around with the swap file as well. Have one on my OS disc and one on my gaming disc both are SSD’s. Disabled the one on my OS disc and the game keept crashing with the out of memory message, even at char select screen. Enabled the swap file and it works ok again.
Might try to play around with the size of the file and see what happens, playing on low graphic settings atm.

Well, try to keep tabs for a proper solution, otherwise you can try some of the many suggestions found on the forum. Some things seem to help some players, but no one fix has stood out yet. Good luck!

Eh bien, essayez de garder un œil sur une solution appropriée, sinon vous pouvez essayer certaines des nombreuses suggestions trouvées sur le forum. Certaines choses semblent aider certains joueurs, mais aucun correctif ne s’est encore démarqué. Bonne chance!

I really don’t like how all over the place these results are. Its boggling my mind.

Everyone has similar issues, and then we have like 10 different things we “tweak” with that seem to have more or less helped. It makes no damn sense.

Question: Has blizzard acknowledged this issue anywhere? I’ve been unable to find anywhere that they’re actually admitting this is a problem…

@rydiak - Can you “unsolve” this issue please, or Blizzard are just going to ignore it. It’s definitely not a “solved” issue for the vast majority of us.

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Nope. Hence the frustration.

Well, its their thread, technically. For them, it may be solved.

Officially no. And it makes me furious. The stutters drive me insane. This game runs like utter garbage on PC. Its just another poor man console port. The optimalisation on pc hardware is not existing at all. My card is sleeping but the game literally takes over my entire pc at some point where even windows crashed for a time where I had to turn off the pc. My pc is on the ultra high end and the only solution that delays the problem is putting all on medium graphics. But a long game session ( 6-8) hours or swapping trough a lot of zones seems to make the stutter and fps dip problem return faster.

Only thintg you can do is literally restart the game or PC even so it will just flush everything. I even had to turn off my second monitor ( not sure if that helped at all) Meanwhile cuberpunk 2077 can run everything ultra high + xtreme DLSS and ray tracing with a stable 144 fps. on 37 inch ultrawide 4 k. But in this game I put everything on wellfare settings.

In the fireside gathering they said they had a 7 page list that included " performance and stability fixes" … If that tackles our problem, who knows. I love the game, but man do I get dissepointed and frustrated over time :slight_smile:


it got alot better for me after i switched from my druid to a necro
no idea what is going on

I play necro, so doubt it :stuck_out_tongue: