VRAM Leak and Corrupted Files

There is 2 errors that are occurring:
1: VRAM Leak:
Sometimes after playing I see that the game are using 9~10GB of VRAM, and it sometimes increase what leads to a crash of the system or the game itself (with a message that the VRAM wasn’t enough). I’ve already tried play with low settings or with FSR but doesn’t work. This error occurs since the launch of the game.

2: Corrupted files:
This error occurs when I open the game or during his execution, the game closes and shows the message that the Diablo has corrupted files that couldn’t been verified. If I try to repair, uninstall or even play the game after this isn’t possible. And to get worse, this crash disable my NVMe (on what Diablo is installed) on my motherboard and I must disconnect it and reconnect it after a few moments to my motherboard recognize it again.
I’ve already tried play with low configuration or reinstall the game, but without success.
This error started on season 2, but was rare, now is common and made me stop playing the game.

Already opened a ticket to report this, but the troubleshooting was ineffective, so here I’m.

PC specs:
i5-9600k 3.7GHz
RX 6750 XT 12GB
Aorus z390 elite
Windows 10 Pro

This isn’t a leak, but it is an issue with memory management.

You can use these instructions however to fix or at least lower the risk of it:

-Diablo IV has run out of memory - #103 by DTMAce-1687

This will not hurt your setup.

The only caveat here is that you should use the same drive as Windows is installed (normally C:)

The automatic management often does not compensate fast enough to adjust the virtual memory (Committed) to compensate.

And the more memory the GPU has, the worse this is.

Good news, this should improve performance for the system as a whole.

If you want to monitor your Virtual memory, open the task manager, view the memory use, and keep an eye on Committed.

If you setup your paging/swap file as described above this should alleviate if not cure that issue.

This is not a good sign.

While I get that it feels like Diablo IV is causing it to crash, there must be an underlying reason that Diablo IV is causing to manifest, such as an issue with the drive itself.

It may be also part of the problem in both cases, if the drive you speak of is both where Windows is installed and where the game is installed. The virtual memory uses that drive even now, without making the adjustments above. And the game uses the drive if you have it installed there.

If that drive is starting to fail, it could act up as described. SSDs don’t fail like HDDs do.

Couple of final points:

  • You want the swap file/page file to be located on only one drive, and the fastest drive in the system.

  • Diablo IV requires an SSD. But it doesn’t have to be the fastest drive in the system. Any NVMe will be sufficient and even a SATA based SSD would work.

I have 3 drivers:
1 SSD NVMe (c:), where windows is installed;
1 HDD (d:), where I save mostly media etc.
1 SSD NVMe (e:), where games are installed like Diablo and others.

The step for memory (Diablo IV has run out of memory - #103 by DTMAce-1687):
Now the system is this way:
Unchecked “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives”;
C: without paging file;
D: 512 - 2048;
E: without paging file.
Should I put this config (If you have more than 16GB, set the value for both to 16384 (16GB)) on all drivers or only in C:?

For the second error:
The game are now installed on my fastest driver (Read: 5.000MB/s, Write: 3.200MB/s).
My driver C: don’t have enough space to install Diablo on it.

To answer the first yes put the 16 384 into both fields and you want to leave it on the drive it’s already set to. That drive should be your C: drive.

Some people try to put it on multiple drives or sticking on a slower performing drive and actually end up causing problems. It should just be on one drive and hopefully the fastest one in the system. But the minimum and maximum need to be set to the same value so that the windows virtual memory manager isn’t trying to dynamically resize it as it thinks it needs to. This helps performance a bit.

As to the second, as long as the game is installed to either NVMe it ain’t going to matter. You aren’t going to have a performance hit hard enough to actually show so it’s possible that drive it’s been currently on is having an issue either with heat or starting to go bad.

But try the virtual memory swap file change first and see how it does.