VoH spendy edition armor set

This may be trivial to many but, it gets to me. The new VoH armor, on every male class you see chest or belly skin, rouge looks very nice, but the sorcerer, nope he gets the curtain treatment. Even the druid shows chuncky hairy mam bobs . If any should have been covered its the druid. Not sure why but they seem to be afraid of making sexy male sorcerer armor.

Gear looks like they design it for females then slap it on males esp the sorcerer and just add more material to cover him up. Gear around the hips is always so wide it looks goofy. Half the necro gear looks like dresses with big hips, Just like men want to see their gals look hot so do chicks. For the outrageous prices they charge they need to spend some time and put consideration on makeing male gear look better. So just due to this im not buying the spendy expac. Adding more hair styles would also be nice. I like long hair on males .

Right… why are all the cosmetics pretty much showing mid sections, thighs, and arms? It’s like these are for some drag-show conventions.

I love the Mother’s Kiss set. It looks practical. We need more of that. Just give us something to wear. >.< If everyone dresses like that in the swamps, we are doomed. lol I’m going to get scrapped by a poison thorn, mosquitos, and snakes.