Veiled Crystal Shortage?!

Is anyone else running into a veiled crystal bottleneck in the endgame? I am having a hell of a time getting enough to experiment with gear. I farm for an hour and get maybe 2,000 and then blow it all upgrading 1 amulet. WTF blizzard. I think this needs to be addressed. It costs 45 every time we do anything. This needs to be reduced by half. I am basically pigeonholed into one build and can’t branch out without farming for a week straight. Literally. Am I the only one seeing this?


Yeah the masterworking rerolls will do that but I like it how it is since it forces you to think. Doing some Torm boss runs and salvaging all items fixed the problem.

Not really. Maybe for 1 item. But try reworking all your gear. And then come back and tell me what you think.

Yep, for those of us that want particular rolls… veiled crystals are an issue. Anyone that is not running into the issue is not seriously rerolling.

Why Blizzard does not simplify the mats or come up with some sort of exchange system for mats is beyond me. I am not sure they playtest any of the endgame.

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They either need to pick one - make the grind about the resource sink or the RNG. The mind-numbingly frustrating tempering/masterworking system just encourages people to stop playing the season after 200+ rerolls of garbage and all the farming to get disappointed (yet) again. I stopped early into season 5 on my first toon because of this and I’m usually a 4 characters/season type of nutjob.

me too, already posted about it…they seem to ease up on some mats and then toughen up on others and it just goes around

exactly that, all crystals go into rerolling , and i’m salvaging all the gear i get, still not enough

This is insane.

They finally raised Rawhide and Iron Chunks… events yield 100x of those now, but will give you only a handful of veiled crystals, which are used for everything: tempering, enchanting, rerolling, masterworking, etc.

Salvaging a whole inventory doesn’t get you enough for masterworking from 1 to 4.

You go farm obducite on Hordes or Dungeons… and you get stick on effing crystals!!!
