Veiled Crystal Cost Too High


And here is 20 characters to boot.

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We’ll see how the live version pans out, they will adjust it if they realize it’s too low (after we point it out that is) but there is definetly a drop ratio/cost issue issue here. Too much will make the chase a pain and too little kills the purpose of the end game item chase imho.

Who said anything about it being in the ptr? Oh thats right, just you lol.

The title of this forum is Public Test Realm.

The topic of this posting is Veiled Crystal cost on the PTR.

I haven’t posted in this thread yet, and I cannot believe I just spent half a day doing this. But I did, so here are my results.

I tested two characters. One max level character in world tier 4 and one low level (level appropriate) character in world tier 2.

I did 7 hell tides for both. (I know, random number. I wanted to do 10, but it was starting to be a soul sucking grind I couldn’t take anymore).

World Tier 2 Results:

Helltide 1 - 72 vc
Helltide 2 - 61 vc
Helltide 3 - 44 vc
Helltide 4 - 56 vc
Helltide 5 - 91 vc
Helltide 6 - 112 vc (weird outlier. I ran into more players in this run, which caused more drops)
Helltide 7 - 77 vc

World Tier 4 Results:

Helltide 1 - 110 vc
Helltide 2 - 102 vc
Helltide 3 - 128 vc
Helltide 4 - 111 vc
Helltide 5 - 98 vc
Helltide 6 - 124 vc
Helltide 7 - 94 vc

Conclusion: I’m not sure why it was suggested that world tier 2 would provide more vc. While the chests do indeed have a lower cost, the speed at which you can farm the cinders is far, FAR lower. It also seems like the density is higher in WT4, but I don’t know that for sure. I can say that far more items drop in WT4.

All this to say, I’m not sure how you averaged 250 vc per run. I’ll be honest that I’m skeptical.

Edit - In case anyone asks, the reason this took me half the day is because I had to level 2 characters to do the world tier 2. I leveled the first and did 4 runs, then I realized that because it was a different class than the one I was going to do WT4 with, it wasn’t apples to apples. So I stopped and leveled a new class to redo them.


Because I have pictures to prove it. Others are also stating similar results.

EDIT: Fixed link.

What is this picture supposed to be showing? I honestly can’t tell.

Edit - I’m still looking at it… the “proof” isn’t the amount of vc you have is it? We have no way of knowing how many runs or where you got those, so surely that isn’t what you’re stating is the proof. Can you help out here and tell me where in that picture the proof is?

75 crystals to imprint is… excessive. The cost should be high enough to require collecting materials without promoting… frugality. It’s not a good concept because it’s going to limit flexibility and experimentation. A cost of, say, 30 would be more reasonable, in my opinion.

An argument could be made check valves need to exist to limit pacing for upgrades. I don’t think that should apply for material costs. With the existing game RNG on drops, crafting results, etc. serve this function. The ability to engage with item modification and whatnot is the wrong place for it.

In short, experimentation and changing stuff around should be promoted. It shouldn’t feel extremely restrictive. Doing so shouldn’t be free. It shouldn’t feel punitive either. I think most veiled crystal sinks on PTR strike a good balance here. Imprinting does not.

I gave it a run between WT2 and WT4 helltides. These were with breaking down rares. I feel like the dropped VCs are about the same, maybe there is a slightly higher rate in WT4, the big difference is the number of rares you can get in WT2 compared to WT4. In WT2 I can get and salvage a full inventory 4-5 times per helltide and while I can fill up the inventory twice over in WT4, there’s a lot more legendaries mixed in.

When I have time, I’ll try a no salvage run between them to check out the dropped VC rate which probably won’t be until tomorrow evening. Though someone else is free to try it themselves. Oh and I used a 100 bone spear necro for both WT2 and WT4.

The timestamps in game. Shows 1 hr playtime.

You’re not getting 250+ VC in an hour in WT4, but you do in WT2. THAT’S THE PROBLEM.

That picture doesn’t show a play time… So your proof is literally “trust me bro”.

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Upper right corner. Try again. Shows the in-game server time.

Definitely doesn’t show it in that picture.

I’m not sure if there are supposed to be other pictures, but that link only shows a single cropped picture of the imprinting screen.

Ah, hm. Sorry about that!
Try this one instead.

Shows 4 screenshots - starting time, VC inventory, ending time, ending inventory, WT2.

LMAO. Level 36 in one picture. Level 45 in another. Brother, you’ve lost all credibility.

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That’s because I played 1 hour in a Helltide. Are you seriously that dense? That was the level gains over the single period.

Opening 100 cost Mystery Chests + turning in Whispers is tons of XP.

PS - I’m also not a brother, your brother, or even male.

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Can you just add a material trade and/or degrading mats cache like other systems have.

Sure, whatever you say. Your account materials tab still doesn’t prove anything.

Sorry I offended you so dearly by calling you brother, Karen.

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Other posters have also verified it. At this point, believe whatever you’d like. No amount of actual evidence will assuage your belief, regardless if how false it is (that’s why it’s called belief).

Something is WRONG with the WT3/WT4 drop rates. I have no idea what it is, but WT2 feels about right, and it should increase for WT3 and WT4. It isn’t, it’s decreasing.