Veiled Crystal Cost Too High

First of all - (not saying this is you) the hyperbolic statements coming from people - “Fully geared in 5 days and done” “Bored with the game in a week” are pretty shortsighted considering the sheer amount of farming - and failing - we’ll be doing.
As well as the Tiers of gear itself.

The Affix Bloat and Affix Rework - While yes, they did indeed clean-up the Affix pool.
There’s a major problem - Affix Weighting at the Occultist.
Out of curiosity I’ve rolled a few hundred times and Main Stat is a solid 50% of the rolls.
That’s Bloat in and of itself right there.

Also the fact that Enchanting is not a “Progressive” System - we can Roll 9.5% Crit Chance on the way to the fabled 10% and then roll 5%-9% forever.

  • Ideally, at these costs and especially at the previous costs - We should never have a roll that is of lower value than the one currently selected.
    It should always be progressive and proactive.
    Further rolls should yield the same value or greater value.

I guarantee the Reduced Gold ~ Gold Cap at Occultist came with a price:
Increased VC cost
Increased Affix Weighting
Medicine and Candy…


FYI - it costs far less Veiled Crystal to imprint at a lower level. So at the start of a season, you’ll be expending far less Veiled Crystal and can freely imprint as you go.

In WT4 it’s 75.
In WT2 it’s just 5.

I believe it scales with the item level you are attempting to imprint. But yes, 75 in WT4 is a ton considering that Veiled Crystals don’t drop as much in WT4.

You’ll be fighting level 95s in like no time. It’s way faster now than even dopamine tunnel spamming with doing helltide correctly and this is with people not spamming the event yet. Also season theme is likely only going to make us stronger and faster to 95+ content.

With start of the season I was refering to few days, not the first 6-8 hours.

The other thing that is “broken” IMO and not helping the Veiled Crystal situation is that salvaging legendary items doesn’t give them anymore.

Rob2628 already got a shako and grandfather many hours ago today. So, fully geared in 5 days is possible. For those more casual it will take maybe 10 days which is still too short for blizzard 3 months season plan. Therefore they need to find away to slow down player progress by inflate some material cost.

I would not use Rob as a standard for what the average player can achieve.

As i said, he completed his gear in 5 days, average player 10 days or even you triple it to 15 days still short of blizzard 3 months expectation.

There has been historical record every time Blizzard make an improvement to reduce grind they will take away something.

The average player doesn’t have countless followers giving them loot all day.


That’s still being ambitious. I’d say with what Rob can do in about 5 days would take an average player about a month to achieve. Again, Rob is a massive outlier compared to most of the other players.

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That statement doesn’t seem like it was generated by intelligence.

A no-lifer nerd streamer who gets fed mats by his sheep followers gets the ubers for his build 5 days in. Yeah, dude, that’s definitely possible and also quite lucky.

You’re not making a valid point at all.


Who will gather mats and feeding in a temporary PTR server? And i think you are illiterate as I already mention average player can get fully gear in triple amount of time like 15 days.

Look like you just like to start a troll war here, but life is too short to waste on low life like you.

User Theophan – > added To Ignore List
Timeframe → Forever

Dont bother reply, I would not be able to see

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He is a perfect standard for exploiting and not being banned lol.

50?! More like 10-15 considering the low drop rate of yellows.


Why would a person be banned on PTR for “exploiting”? That’s part of testing. The “lol” part is you being wrong, again.

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you are wrong so many times, when will you realize its not everyone else but its you! ;D


It’s possible they also add more sources for Veiled Crystals.

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Agreed. Blizzard needs to double the drops of Veiled Crystals in non-Helltide content AND decrease Veiled Crystal cost for Tempering and Imprinting Aspects by 50%. Right now it feels like I am farming Helltides for Veiled Crystals instead of gear and that is annoying.

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As per my post in another thread on the same issue, cost is related to Item Power/Level not WT Level.

Ah, thanks! I never bothered to test it more in-depth because of how WT3/4 work now with guaranteed Sacred/Ancestrals.

My main point though, was that Crystals are 10x more plentiful in WT2, and tge crafting costs are just 5%. Crafting Rares as you level will absolutely be present. Once you hit Ancestrals though… more care and consideration is required.

I truly hope they increase WT3/4 material drop rates. I personally think it’s a bug, and I hope the bug is the lower rates and not the higher WT2 rates.

You are correct in the levels of VC in WT2. I ran a Helltide at WT2 this morning (yes, its a T100 Barb) and got 263 VC’s not including Chests. This came from 4 full inventories and the direct VC drops.

I would need to run a WT2 Helltide in Live to see if this is new or the same. Will likely do that later today.

But I can tell the drop rate of WT3/4 have been serverly nerfed. In doing T60 Vaults (specifically farming VC’s) I would get more than a full invenetory page of Yellows plus the VC’s that dropped from mobs, and each Vault would take 5-6 min. No where near those levels in the PTR. Perhaps 1/10th.

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