Varshan I summon with 5x mats get 5x eggs?

If you are gonna make me leave and reset 100 times can we please have it allow for 5 x the mats to be loaded (say after you beat varshan 5 times) he gives back 5 eggs? Something just to eliminate the lame grind. Thanks


i have over a 1000 bloods and living steels with no will to actually do the bosses. at the very least, the altar should reset after every kill so i don’t have to waste 3 mins walking to the boss, killing it, exiting, reseting, and then repeating this a 100 times. blah.


sometimes you get a double drop, so you might get 2 eggs for the price of 1

Yep, would be nice. I’ve got 100’s of mats I want to process into eggs/shards but doing several hundred runs one at a time is boring so therefor I won’t! Not that it matters much, I’ve finished out Season 4 and got everything done. Hopefully Blizzard can improve this process in the future.

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you use 3 times the mats + 2 stygian stones, but yea, i think they should x3 it ^^

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yea the whole resetting the dungeon after every kill is just blehh , i have sooo many blood , steel and others i just dont have any desire to use, wish we could just vender them for the summoning mats and not get loot if u choose to

I have been selling these when I need gold. The distilled fear goes for 1.5M per stack of 50.


well i will have to do the living steals at least b/c i really really need a + fire bolt GA flameweaver. but it’s so friggin boring. ugh.

yea doing a tormented version of a boss that costs 5x and a stone that only drops 1x mats? sucked my enthusiasm right out of the boss ladder. i just dont have the will to do this again for the 3rd time in a row.


You can easily trade them in-game to another player for 50 million/stack. That’s a low price too.


This is why im done. Too much bot brained “farming”. The worst part of it, is you can’t even group fight for mats. Its solo boringville unfun sleeptime grind for mats just to go fight a boss that drops nothing good just to go do it again


FYI - Changes coming in Season 5. From the PTR notes…

Endgame Bosses

  • You no longer need to reset the dungeon to replay the same boss. Upon killing them, the summoning Altar reappears and allows you to use more resources to play them again.

Be careful hoarding too much summoning mats. If the blizz-team is getting funny again they will take it away for suspicious reasons. :disguised_face:

Season 5 fixes this issue.

Every hour a random uber-boss should summon us. No mats needed. Why not?
UBER ENCOUNTER niahahahahahaaaa and every 3 hours MMMmmmmmmulti Uber Boss encounter!!! yepyepyepyepyepyep

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Yeah I know, I was playing SSF though when I posted that, so not really trading with others…just giving stuff away to my friends for free.

Later when I was done with s4 I did use the trade site to sell my Stygian Stones. At least someone else can use them and I would have gold for my eternal accounts.