Upcoming navigation options - maybe a navigation path on the ground?

New Navigation Accessibility Features Coming in Diablo 4 Season 6 - Wowhead News

In season 6 they are bringing in new navigation options to help players get around and they look good. There is also the option to have the mini-map display the route to the objective automatically when you select a quest.

But what I was thinking is an option to have the game display a faint navigation path in the world so you can follow it while running/riding.

I find it a bit annoying to keep looking back and forth between the mini-map and then my character and I usually end up trying to ride via looking at the mini-map completely.

Having an option for a navigation path on the ground as I ride or run around would allow me to keep my attention on the terrain and surroundings.

I tried that option on the first day of ptr and it was horrible.
Even with that active my eyes are still glued to the minimap…

But since the developers want to “innovate” if you can call it that, I think an overlay map is what is really needed.

They put what they want and don’t listen to suggestions.

Yeah the auto-routing for quest objectives will take time to get used to.

I am still a bit up in arms about it, maybe they should change it to only those quests in the zone you are in instead.