Unpopular opinion - I'm very happy with a new class been introduce

Hi all,

Let’s address the elephant in the room. I know many players wanted a comeback of the paladin or the witch doctor, but for me, they’re not attractive at all. I am tired of replaying the same classes over and over. The 5 classes that we already have offer nothing new, as they’re just old classes that were slightly modernized.

When people mention that the developers didn’t listen to the community about getting the paladin, well, they also listen to the community and players like me who want to experiment with something new.

I would like to Quote Rod Fergusson

We did a lot of nostalgia in the first five [classes] and so we felt like at least for the first one we have to be able to look beyond nostalgia and start breaking new ground on classes and trying new things.

When you look at the team as well part of it is just satisfying kind of the creative urges on the team. And so if you’re only always rebuilding the past then you’re not necessarily getting the best work out of your team either. And so we wanted to have some creative freedom and create a great creative outlet for the team as well.

And I agree with him.

If we think about it, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Paladin class in the next expansion of Diablo. If the number of Diablo players decreases and falls below a certain level, they may attract players by introducing Diablo and the Paladin class through marketing and CGI. (The only Joker card they have to play for free out of jail.)

I would like to emphasize a point that I feel hasn’t been highlighted sufficiently. As anticipated, the expansion price is high, and I anticipated the introduction of 2 new classes. (Could have been a new class and an old one like the paladin I don’t care as long as I have 2 new classes) However, I am disappointed to see that only one new class is being introduced.

Anyways thank you for reading.

yea the new class looks fun. cant wait to try it. Ill probably stay a necro main but it sure looks good :smiley:

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A new class with mercenaries should be interesting.

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It’s not an unpopular opinion, there’s just a couple people going around crying vocally because they want Paladin. Lots are happy to have something that’s hopefully new and fresh, since tbh, the existing 5 classes play more or less exactly how one would expect; they’re all very safe and familiar, just like how a Paladin would be.