Unplayably low framerates

I’m experiencing extremely low framerates on my PC w/

  • Aorus X570 Ultra
  • RTX 3080
  • 32GB RAM
  • AMD Ryzen 7 3800X

with a 4k monitor

Even on Low graphics settings I can’t get above 20fps. If I try to play on Ultra settings I only get 13fps.

I’ve updated to the latest driver, tried turning off all system startup apps to ensure nothing else is running, checked that power settings are on ‘high performance’.

The game is basically unplayable.

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I’m having the same issue. If I switch EVERYTHING to low I can squeeze up to 50ish FPS.

I have a 3080 and really nice pc. i9 processor and 32 ram as well.
Let me know if you figure it out.

Just for giggles, try these things:

Shut down the bnet app, or have it set to exit when you launch the game.

Set a cap in the nvidia driver page at or near your monitor’s refresh rate. Or for starters, just set it to 60.

Make sure scaling is set to 100% in game.

Turn off DLSS and Reflex, along with Peripheral lighting. Vsync on and cap the game to 60 as well. (to start).

Set graphics to High. See if any of this helps.

Thanks for the suggestions, I tried applying those settings and frame rates still hover at 16-18 fps while walking through town.

After that, I also tried disabling G-Sync, but no luck there either.

Not sure 100% it can help but have you tried RESET to Default Nvidia pannel ?

It must be 30xx\40xx card’s issue (maybe pcie 4.0) couse im running i7 10700KF 3.8gb/ gtx 1070/ 16GB ram and I get stable 60 fps on high settings (game detected high for my rig, also textures). No lag, no rubberbanding, no fps drops.

Mine has been solid since launch, running a 3070Ti with a 12th gen i9, 32GB DDR5, high speed NVME and 144FPS HD G-sync monitor. Haven’t had any problems at all. Which makes helping some of you, all the more frustrating as I can’t seem to reproduce some of the issues.

I can see some of the issues from the aspect of their effect, (like having vendor pages open) but none of it is causing me issues with performance or affecting the system negatively.

yeah, i have tried this, and put the settings modifications suggested her on top of the reset, so that I was applying them to a known clean configuration.

This might help shed some insight on what you can try:

I only suggest this, as you have an AMD setup with a 3080 running a 4k. His listed here was a 1440p, but similar in that respect.

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