Uninstalling game. Good bye blizzard

Sadly I am uninstalling game. Off to play poe2… I will no longer support blizzard games.

U guys need to wake the hell up and read all the feedback, not just yr favorite ppl.

U ruined every class. Nerf ok most class needed. Nurf vulnerable good it needed.
Now I main sorc, sorc was already the weakest class.
Since u guys decided to double down and nerfing the sorcerer’s again I am done with blizzard in general.
Sorc can’t push late nm dungeons. We have 12 skills that can be used as a main skill, not including ult and basic skills(yr generator skills) only 4 of these skill u can play with(lighting spear, firewall and ice shard/blizzard).
Really 4 out of 12 skill. Fireball, frozen orb meteorite and hydra do no damage. These are classic skill and builds that we can do… Why is that. Why do sorc have to use all 4 def skills just to survive and have to use in there builds. Frost nova should not be under def.
Sorc needs all the nova ( frost, lightning, fire and arcane).
All classes needs the extra 4 skills option. Example sorc with a nova tree- assassin’s with a trap tree and ECT.

The way u have this stupid skill tree set up is so very stupid and hard to put points. U need to overall the whole skill tree UI.
Why is there no arcane skills. Oh lets just add 2 lighting skill on same tree or two frozen skills in def. Once again just do an update version of on how diablo 2 did it. But hey keep it yr way. Stupid stupid stupid. Even diablo 3 skill system is better than this crap…

Assassin’s is my 2nd fav class, from D2. And hey again there is only one trap skill in her kit… hey u I got a great idea let’s be very lazy and just combine assassin’s and demon hunter together. So stupid. I want my trapper build in diablo 2.
Now I can go on n on with every class.
U guys need to actually sit down and property fix this dumpster of a game.
Every class needs to be equal and be able to freely to built what ever main skill we want to use.

U need to remove the stupid monster that randomly explode or heavily reduce damage.

It’s would be way easier to just add monsters with reduce damage taken from each skill.
But anyway I am officially done with stupid AAA game. There is no reason to actually to force games to launch. Season 1 should not be release untill there is an real balance change.


bye the community could use less whiners

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POE 2 isn’t even out yet, so doubt you are off to play that.

I agree with some of your other points about the nerfs.

Sounds like you prefer D2 based on you wanting to play the exact same builds from that game in D4. I don’t understand why you don’t just play D2R if that is what you prefer?

D4 may have some similarities to D2, but it’s not supposed to be a D2 clone.


Thanks for sharing…




Buh bye

It’s not supposed to be a d3 clobe either. But I agree I am pretty much done. Sorc my fav class and I can’t even play it. What’s the point of nerfing class so much that they can’t handle end game content. Frozen best spell and u spend more time casting summons than casting main skill lol.

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