Are you like… farming react content? There is no way you are this disconnected, or have drank this much koolaid.
You were not nerfed you was fixed. Did not see you complaining when the gutted EVERY build Sorceress had except one. Where was your fight for build diversity then?
How did you acquire that much in less than a month? Or are you talking about Eternal?
I don’t think any Barbs are “glad” that Rogues got nerfed.
We just find it amusing that Rogues are finally getting the same treatment Barbs have been getting for 2 months! Welcome to the other side of the hill, where the grass is not green.
when were you gutted in mid season as sorc? didnt notice.
Selling yellow gear? If I have to explainit then you wont understand
Sure man, whatever you say.
Rogue not gutted they did not have every single skill across the board nerfed into the dirt like Sorc did in beta. You had a broken skill that was just like HoTa and was broke and was your crutch taken away and now you crying about it.
Sorcs did not complain then the triple benefit of crowd control was taken. That was a fix not a nerf.
And Midseason lol? Been done with everything in s1 since the first week season is over.
Like roller said. We aren’t happy you got nerfed.
Us barbs are happy they finally nerfed a class other than ours. Literally anytime Rob posted a YouTube video of a “broken” damage Barb build, the devs fixed it within hours. They have nerfed Barb more times than all the other classes combined.
This rogue “bug” has been in the game since launch and is just now getting fixed.
It would be better if they just let us play these broken OP builds. There aren’t leaderboards or anything competitive.
Lol so many people came here to blindly hate and post their ignorant opinions.
The point of this F’ing post was that the change was undocumented, which is total BS.
About time they fix the poison.
What’s wrong? it’s taking 25 seconds to complete instead of 20 seconds?
Now if they can fix the resistance, that will complete my dream haha!
If your build is relying on bugged interactions then yeah… your build is bad and you never should have committed to something only good due to a bugged interaction.
Pretty sure this wont fix poison. You still going to take FULL damage from poison even though you have max DR.
thats the thing, it wasnt doing what was written on the tooltip, but thats still the case for ALOT of aspects / effects in the game.
And it wasnt broken as HOTA. As i said it wasnt really THAT strong… it made a couple of build possible by utilizing it, which are all gone now for no apparent reason…
Im not crying that rogue isnt good anymore, im just mad that alot of cool stuff has been taken by this change. And i wouldnt want that situation for any class.
Making drastic changes like this in the middle of the season is what makes players quit. If you farmed only for that build, you have to refarm all your gear now. Not because the builds that used it are “a little weaker” but completly broken and not viable anymore.
see with sorc, you knew before the season it would suck, period. Sorc and Barb where nerfed loooong before you had to make decisions which items you keep and which not in season… its a completely different thing…
thank you. they sat in the campfire two weeks ago and said they would stop doing this crap and its still happening.
Oh, did they fixed that broken aspect? Well, hard if you’re used to it, but everyone should have known by now it was a bug and is likely to get fixed at any point. That point was today I guess. Probably we will see similar threads as soon as bulwark, or shred or any of the other bugged builds gets resolved ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have you seen a Hota barb kill Uber Lilith and then a poison rogue kill her?
It’s like they’re playing different games.
taking longer doesnt mean its more difficult… seriously… lilith is ez for everyone.
literally capstone dungeon 3.
The fact that Barb bugs were ‘fixed’ a couple weeks into S0, and that they took 2 extra months to ‘fix’ rogue bugs is the real issue here.
Poison should have been fixed with bleed, not 2 month later. If were talking fair.
again, the real issue here, they didnt communicate anything . They told us two weeks ago thy would communicate, yet they bricked another build without communicating. Its garbage