The rogue section in the forums is beginning to fill up with complaint posts about it.
As a Barb main, it’s actually nice that this type of thing happened to a different class for the first time since launch. Just shows the devs aren’t very good and no testing is being done. I was thinking the devs just hated Barb players.
well “fixed a bug” is relative, like they adjusted the aspect to be closer to the tooltip, while 90% of all tooltips in the game arent doing whats written on them… literally…
NO but think it shows they not weak. Not to mention they by far easiest class to kill uber lilllith.
They been really strong in all aspects of the game. Saying otherwise is either ignorance or a flat out lie.
BTW to all the fan boys. Saying “because it happened to me im glad it happened to you” is actually insane. You sound insane. It wasnt cool when they nerfed barb bleed, it wasnt cool when they nerfed WW. it wasnt cool when they “corrected” HOTA aka broke it for PC because they couldnt fix it fo console. And it isnt ok now.
It’s reasons such as this that I don’t play builds like this one in particular. It’s gonna get fixed eventually. All of y’all playing it should have seen it coming.
It was justified for every single barb nerf. Go look at the beta forums look where most calls to nerf Sorceress came from. Straight out of the barb forum. And 2nd place would of been rogues.
The support gem nerf was a new season mechanic in 3.15 Expedition and it was announced in the patch notes that support gems were going to be changed and Chris Wilson did have a dev talk discussing the reasoning behind it.
Everyone in here keeps using the word “nerf” when it is a bug fix. I witnessed a Rogue abusing this in PvP, standing over his poison puddles as 5-6 other players engaged him and instantly died. Cool build bro - not broken at all.
Any person that knows basic math should have seen this bug just by reading the tooltips. They obviously don’t have a dev on staff that is good at math or 90% of the balance issues would have never made it into the game.
They obviously didn’t test it either as it’s obvious within seconds that something isn’t scaling right with the dot interactions.
Players like you telling other to lower their expectations of wanting a game not filled with bugs are the reason the game is so bad and won’t improve.
yes they are easy to level… and have nice mobility… but arent really strong. Uber lilith is basically easy with every class… i dont see why you would nerf a hand full of builds utilizing a good but not overpowered or extremely broken aspect. Its not like it made us do abnormal amounts of damage or anything, and it wont change the hierarchy of rogue, you are now just forced to play other builds that are comparable in strength to what poison was prior to this “fix”… So all it does is, its reducing diversity… i dont think that this is a good thing.