When unconstrained is not selected It says “Berserking damage bonus is increased to 60%(x)”. When I select it it changes to " … increased to 95%(x) …"
Anyone know what the deal is?
When unconstrained is not selected It says “Berserking damage bonus is increased to 60%(x)”. When I select it it changes to " … increased to 95%(x) …"
Anyone know what the deal is?
You’re using Shroud.
It’s a bug when you equip shroud death. Probably just a visual bug because i hardly notcie any damage difference.
It’s been tested. I tested it as well. The difference is real. However, this becomes more noticeable the higher your damage is, especially if you have high or at least balanced base damage.
Amazing. And I don’t think I see it mention anywhere on the 2.1 patch notes?
Maybe it wasn’t actually an oversight. Crazier things have happened.
You’ll notice that all key passives say +1 item contribution at the top if you have Shroud equipped, but only Unconstrained will show an increased amount of damage.
It’s probably supposed to work for all of them, but bugged. Surpise.
Please let it be intended.
So i can spam mighty throw lol
bro just let it be!!