[Main Thread] Unable to purchase/download on PC after purchasing Deluxe edition on Console - June 2023

Same problem here. I purchased the ultimate edition on my ps5 but I want it on my pc. Come on Blizzard, fix this.

Oh thank the heavens! I thought I was the only one going through this!

I am facing the same issue! I did look at the transaction history on my battlenet account and it shows NA for my diablo purchases. I am wondering if it works on my Xbox because it was made through their store, but battlenet is having a hard time keeping up?

I am not sure everyone is having the same issues in this thread, but keep in mind that the Purchase only applies to one platform. Sony, Microsoft, and Blizzard each require a separate purchase to play on their platform.

Early Access only applies to the platform you bought EA on.

Okay cool, just to clarify. If you bought the Deluxe on PS5 you are not allowed to purchase the deluxe on PC? I think that’s the main issue here maybe. I have the deluxe edition on PS5.

But Battle.net is not allowing me to purchase any of the editions via their Launcher/store. I assume we just have to wait till the offical release to buy any of the editions

Fantastic question and honestly I don’t know the answer. I know that the Early Access is only applicable on one platform, but not sure how Blizzard makes that work on the back end.

Note: MVPs are other players, not Blizzard staff.

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Yeah I just assume it must be a back end issue. I live in the UK so the live chat isn’t open yet but once it does (3PM over here) I will go ahead and see what they say :smile:

Same issue here. Got the deluxe on PS5 and when I go to purchase it on Battle.net is says its already “in library”, hopefully this issue will get fix soon.

Same issue here. I own the Deluxe edition on PS4 and wanted to buy/download it on PC but I can’t because the button is disabled and “In Library”. Lol.

Also have the same issue.

Same issue here, want to play with my kids. bummer no 4 player couch coop. PC/xbox was the solution in my head and that doesn’t even work.

Same issue here. First bought on XBOX, now not able to buy on pc…

Same thing here. Bought Ultimate on PS5, and can’t buy it on PC since it is already in library. Several blank purchases in my transaction history from yesterday.

Same here, bought on Xbox and now can’t buy on PC. I opened a ticket so we’ll see what happens.

Hey all, thanks for the reports!

The devs got some feedback on this last night while we blue posters were out of office and some people are checking it out. Basically, it looks like owning the game on Console is messing with your ability to buy it from Battle.net on PC. It’ll take a fix on our end to get it handled most likely.

No updates to share just yet, but we’ll let you know once we hear more info on the purchase issues.


Okay, I am wondering if thats the confusion. I am fine to buy it on Battlenet also, I just do not have the option to because it says “In Library” so there is no purchase option (Anywhere (even storefront)). I guess it was never made clear by Bliz that the EA would only be available on the platform you purchased Ultimate on. Otherwise, I would have bought it on PC first haha.

Yeah you can only get EA on one platform. I am not sure where in the fine print that is, but it is there.

The cosmetic rewards for the Ultimate edition are cross Bnet, but the EA is platform locked.

Yea this is the issue, I am fine purchasing it on both xbox and PC, however battle.net app and website thinks I already own it due to me linking my account on XBOX, the EA argument on one platform doesn’t make sense, it should be the same account and function as “cross-save/cross-progression”

I have tried the following:

  1. disconnected xbox account from battle.net account. This prompted me to re-assign an account on xbox (I didn’t yet) but it still shows as in my library on PC

  2. I made a dummy account and purchased diablo4 on PC to get it installed to see if that would “wake up” battle.net after I re-logged into my original account. This didn’t do anything either, refunded on the dummy account.

CS is aware of the issue with purchasing on PC after having it on Console. I am not sure when or what they will be doing, but they are looking into it.


Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that the devs are aware of the issue. I was surprised to see that the option to buy the game on PC was disabled after linking my xbox purchase to my account. D3 didn’t require the account link with xbox, and I’ve purchased it on both platforms without any problems.

On a side note, I was happy that during the betas my pre-order on xbox gave me access on PC as well. I took advantage of it to test cross-play and cross-progression and it was marvelous. Fully intended to buy it on both platforms because of this.