Unable to Install Diablo 4 - Stuck on installation

same. already tried as well run as admin upon installing. switched region, followed the process in deleting the battlenet and relaunch it. no changes. Issue still occurs.

just bought the game. stuck at 35% twice! i don’t know if i should wait it out but i dont think its downloading. come on man! Feels like diablo 2 resurrected all over again.

Have you found a solution for this? Have the exact same problem

Hi all, providing update on my case.

Similar to user [DrStarStuff-2966], the issue on my end was my antivirus. Even if I added exceptions for all folders of blizzard/battlenet that I know of, the installation was only able to show me the “Choose installation path” part twice(which wouldn’t install nonetheless), and always end up with the BLZBNTBNA00000005 error. To clarify I also added exceptions for blizzard/BNet folders in the AppData and ProgramData folders (which is where the Update Agent is located which is the source of the BLZBNTBNA00000005 error).

In total, this is what I did to make my D4 install:

  1. Uninstalled my antivirus (I was using Avast, I just came from premium but didn’t want to renew anymore so I was willing to remove it)
  2. Ended all tasks related to BNet/Blizzard in task manager
  3. Uninstalled BNet
  4. Erased all folders in AppData and ProgramData that is related to Blizzard/BNet (as a disclaimer, I am sure that I do not need any files in these folders, as I don’t have any other games in BNet at the moment)
  5. Cleared temp folder (used cmd deletion when windows explorer was unable to delete)
  6. Reinstalled BNet and updated
  7. Retried D4 install - it worked this time without any issues

As a final disclaimer, I am not sure if this will work with your case as well. Please check on your own if the actions stated above will have consequences in your own context.

Good luck people!

Hi, I have the exact same issue as you. Please let me know if you found any solution. This is extremely frustrating and dissapointing, I have been trying to fix this for 5 days now and nothing works. If i can’t find a solution soon I guess I’ll just have to refund it and wait for blizzard to make the game even possible to install.

wow i never thought about my fire walls… i turned them all off and bam it started downloading/installing without a issue… now i just have to remember to turn them back on once its done.

Most forewalls have timers so u can disable for x amount of time and it turns back on… also with windows 10 and 11 windows firewall is actually good enough to stop most threats unless you just do dumb stuff on the internet lol

I had the same problem as well. Tried disabling AV but that didn’t work. My install finally started working after I updated my graphics driver.

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