Unable to find valid license for Diablo IV. (Code 315306)

i get this error after crash on current ptr. can any1 help?
already tried scan & repair

unable to find valid license for Diablo IV. (Code 315306)

same here (i were in Party with Friend__than Crash)
no new start from Pc help
tried all “Update” “Repair”

Ah there’s a same topic in feeback forum , but I will post here as well seems more relevant. Anyhow after playing for about an hour I cannot get back in i get the same error invalid licence 315306 . It happend after i crashed 3 times one after another. This is the same error i got before PTR was up and running so im afrain the account got somehow tagged as no access to PTR? help! cant login for 40 min now same error every time

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Same, can get in fine on the live version, PTR version - no valid license. Why blizzy, why? Why can’t IT JUST WORKS™?

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Same here, but I think I’m simply not getting any response from the server, because before it crashed I had like 1500-2000ms latency -_-

[EDIT] working again

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Thanks for the notes and mentions here. The team is looking into an update to address this and a few other crash-related issues as well. We’ll share more information on timing and details as we get them .

Thanks again everyone!