Sorc’s can teleport through non traversable areas, cast hydras, blizzard offscreen .
i dont see any problem there …
teleport doesnt have range limitation so as long as you can see the place, you can teleport there … and it kinda makes even sense especially for WB.
Now imagine you wont be able to teleport away from boss or to the boss if it has limited range …
WB uses different zoom level.
For me this is completely acceptable state of the spell
Absolutely not acceptable for PvP.
I personally think there should be a spell range cap for free cast spells UNLESS you’re targeting something, with the exception of teleport which should be hard capped. I think it’s just going to devolve to people stretching their game out like the example in dungeons or world bosses dealing damage from a screen away. It’s not healthy for the game.
you won’t have to worry about pvp…the zones are well made. But yes for teleport as long as there is something to land on it is legit plus there are many ways to kill a player.
Same complaints were made when 16:9 monitors first came out. Video is making a controversy out of nothing.