Ugh.. No holy type class yet

No knock on this new class, or how you wanted to make a class you never made before but I’m already not interested in this class.

Not having a holy type class is like when they put the Mario skin over Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic, and called it Mario 2

It’s only disappointing because people have been expecting it.

This class could be amazing, or it could be terrible, we’ll have to wait and see but there’ll probably be another expansion Q1 2026 or something. The classes are going to be related to the expansion, and if you look at the Map of the Diablo world, you may even be able to work out roughly what the next expansion could be based on what the next likely region is, and what class might come with that too.

I kinda like the idea of this new class, never really was in to the holy classes that much.

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And that’s why they always have another classes but yet people like me who love playing holy type classes have nothing in this game

Yeah I’m definitely jonesing for a plate armor wearing holy warrior (preferably paladin). I’m having fun with other classes though so I’ll keep going and hope we get a holy class in the second expansion.

Whoa. Mind blown. I played SMB2 as a kid. Always wondered why it was so different.

Are we sure its even a “new class” seems like they are just adding a D4 version of Amazon back in.

Just saying…

Yeah I was really hoping for a Holy class or at the very least bring that blood knight from Diablo Immoral because i ain’t playing that game. While on the topic of it though they have gotten 2 new classes AND have a holy class while D4 sits around with its thumb up its rear.

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I’m frankly a little disappointed that they did not have two classes in the expansion.

This is a billion dollar company frankly they should be putting out way more content of higher caliber than they currently are, they can pump out skins every few weeks for over $20 a pop, give us more gameplay content if you want me to spend cash on your in game store.

Also they are asking $40 to $90 for the expansion, that’s quite a price tag. I think there are enough old classes that people want to play (plus the two new ones from immortal) that I think at a minimum it would have made sense to include two each expansion (if the intent is to open up all of sanctuary I’d expect 2-3 more after this for the western continent and the remaining islands)

In this case I think one old class that fit the area theme wise as well would have been good and to me that would have been either the witch doctor or the paladin/crusader/templar (I probably would just call it a knight to cover all the orders of sword and board holy fighters). It would be nice to be wowed by the offering they have instead of getting the bare minimum each time.

Honestly they could have just taken all the vampiric powers from season two and made that into a skill tree and you would have had the bulk of the blood knight in game.

Ultimately it boggles my mind that they are not synergizing more with Immortal and trying to take advantage of this IP more with crossover content. They should be releasing the blood knight and tempest in both games simultaneously. They have translated the world bosses over to immortal 1 to 1, they should be able to go the other way with classes and helliquary bosses.


I know I’m odd-man-out, but I’m glad there’s something “new” coming, and not just another Pali class. If / when they bring Pali back, it’ll just be a combination of us old D2 vets complaining that it’s not the old H-din, Zeal, or Bash feel, and the D3 kids complaining that it’s not the My Little Pony Crusader builds.

At least with Spiritborn, there’s a shred of hope that it’ll at least be a fresh wave of complaints, instead of the re-re-re-recycled ones we already see constantly.


Again the people who love holy type classes don’t have a single holy type class to play. You dont like holy type classes Okay good for you now go play one of the many other none holy type classes.

didnt Mathael kill all the paladins in westmarch? maybe we have to go thru the story (DLC) and once get to Diablo there will be a comeback? Idk we got all classic characters.

I for one want a new class

The Paladins and the Crusaders are still around in D4. You can do a side quest with a Paladin and another one with a Crusader. I am not sure if the Templars are still around or not. No Paladin class to play. :point_down:

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Nah, it’s not that I “don’t like” holy classes, it’s that I’m happy we’re getting something NEW instead of the inevitable copy/paste of a Paladin / Crusader. Those classes can be fun, but looking at Blizz’s track record with them, there’s only so much that they know how to do with them, and most of the good ideas were exhausted between D2 and WoW.

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Yeah as one who played since Diablo 1 who had no holy class at all.

I’m one for new classes. I’m glad we getting something new other than the same.

With that said who has said Paladin/crusader does not come anyway just not this exp or maybe it does. Look at Necro in D3 arrived as a store class which I guess all old ones might get a chance to appear as, like wd in D4 in the future and others?

Good for you, now go play one of the OTHER 5 CLASSES that are not holy base. But the people who like holy base classes DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO PLAY.

Holy type classes that are not a Paladin/crusader

thats off the top of my head

Another post I didn’t have what I wanted so I will cry on the forum is getting old :yawning_face:

They never promise a Holy class you made your own expectations.


You are such an unpleasant and rude person in your replies to people who are just giving you their point of view that I hope there is never a holy class in this game you self entitled…

Edit - and it’s on you that you bought a game that doesn’t have any characters you can play. Go cry in a corner you absolute genius pillar of entitlement.


lol, homie, you’re getting so worked up and nasty just because people don’t share your opinion or dare point out positives to your alternative.

Oh, and your list is just… bad.

Bard is far from holy; lewd dude with magic sounds is closer to nature than gawd.

Jester? REALLY? Ah yes, let me make the demons laugh to death… The only accurate thing is that this “class” would be a joke. 100% would fit in as a Whimsyshire expansion class.

Knight is… Close, but knights in general weren’t tied to holy aspects as much as they were slow, clunky fights, taverns, wenches, and an aversion to baths.

The rest on your list though are actually holy classes, with Templar just being another word for Paladin / Crusader, and Saint / Priest / Cleric being 3 words for the exact same thing.

So, congrats! You listed 7 things and managed to name 1 Holy class that isn’t in the game, and never will be, because Saint / Priest / Cleric is a support class, and wouldn’t work in D4, so… You get a final score of 0.5/7.

Aw hell, I’ll round it up to 1/7, because the audacity of even typing out “Jester” in your list made me giggle.


Bard (Let me tell the demos a story)

Jester (I cannot take you serious anymore)

Saint (Do you know anything about Diablo lore Uldyssian is dead)

The other 4 could work.

And Spiritborn was just made up to fit into D4 so any class can be made to fit into D4