Ubers much easier to get = sparks to reset brick item

Since ubers are easier to get with stygian stones and boss matts are much more natural to get, I think it would be a great idea to be able to reset a bricked item with a spark, maybe 2, but not 4.

You can add some prisms in there if you want but not angelbreaths (lol). Throw in some gold req, and maybe some other matts.

Avoid using forgotten souls, vieled crystals, and angelbreaths though.

The only people who have triple GA items in large quantities to do this would be end game people who don’t need ubers anyways - would be a good spark sink.

Sacrificing 2 ubers for a reset on a triple GA item seems reasonable to me.



I support this. Or a large gold cost to reset. Something to remove the suck factor.

*Bricks same item twice

Ultra rage crying activate. I will only support this idea if they literally shut down the forums.

I disagree. That arrangement rewards only a small part of the player population for having too many ubers. For the casual players who are arguably the most affected by tempering limits, it doens’t help at all, as they may be sitting with only 1-2 sparks.

It’s not going to do anything to stop people from complaining about tempering.

It just makes the game easier for people who already find it easy because they have all the time to play, making uber uniques guaranteed farms.

There is no need for a spark sink.

It is basically impossible to consistently get Ubers unless you can farm the tormented bosses, and you can’t do that for a long time, and most builds can’t.

I think that makes using sparks as a temper reset a bad idea.

Except i would be done with the game if that was the case All my bricks in my stash and a dozen uber would pretty much end my item hunt.

Or… Just let people choose what they want to roll for directly, and let the variance simply be in the % roll. You get the affixes you want, but you get to gamble on their quality.

Or… Similar to enchanting, let us keep the previous affix. Either way, I like the system, yes it feels bad when it doesn’t go your way but that’s part of gambling. Just keep hunting.

Are they? I have yet to even get a “bad” uber unique, let alone a good one. I’m only pushing 108 atm, because I can’t swap to an alternate spec because each other spec requires a shako in their build. Playing a sorc, I’m pigeon holed into ice shard/blizz build. Maybe you have a different version of the game, but I haven’t seen an uber-unique item or glyph since launch and it’s definitely not for a lack of trying.

Well for eternal, it’s not so much of an issue.

For seasons, you generally always can get 2 sparks, because of Lilith and initial tormented you kill, correct?

The resetting of a bricked item should be an end game thing. I don’t think it should be available up front at all. People should be speeding pits at 100+ to be needing to reset a GA item to gain any benefit from it.

GA’s are only needed for PITS for the most part, a bunch of other builds can do NM100 well without any GA rolls.

With stigian stones, ubers are technically about 5 times faster, so yes, they are easier to get.