Uber uniques are the dumbest game design ive ever seen

he is going to throw at you the word “white knight” and “trash” and THEN call you “toxic” for no reasons :stuck_out_tongue:
(though he won’t after reading this post im writing)

That doesn’t really bother me, the guy looks like an actual :clown_face:

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Doesnt matter if they work without them or not. Answer the question if you had a shako for your twisting blades rouge would you wear it or not? If you say yes its build defining. Argue all you want just because the build dosnt need it to function doesnt mean it isnt defining that build.

By your definition every item you find after level 1 is build defining because you use it in your build as you level and kill stuff. So those white items that turned into blue then turned into yellow, and so on and in your build worked then without shako or other uber uniques so clearly they were build defining right? Why did you get ride of them if they defined your build at level 1, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, etc? You got rid of them for better items.

SOOOOOOO the shako is best in slot item helm meaning build defining. Vampgaze is best in slot for a life steal build since it is only item in the entire game with life steal but sure keep being delusional that its not build defining either.


if you can put an item on (almost) any build and have that build be stronger, how is that build defining?
if it works for EVERY build, there is no defining character.
its just raw general power. obviously its a strong item, and every build using it gets stronger, but since the builds work without it, it is by definition not defining said build.

on topic, the rarity of uber uniques is absurd, how does DECADES of playtime to have a slim chance to find one make even a tiny bit of sense.

noone at lvl100 with BIS gear will be like: “ye i put 200hrs into this quasi-perfect character, let me just play this character for another 30years without any progress since apart from those uber uniques its as good as it gets.”
sounds really motivating.

can’t have a carrot on a stick, if the lenght of the stick goes past the moon.


Build defining means that you can’t play the build without that specific item…

Why is it so hard to understand… I don’t get it.


uber uniques can be obtained through exploits, exploits approved by devs - see Shako dtops from Helltide chests which devs not removed.


It’s not… if it gives a blanket effect, that doesn’t define any specific build.

Again, not build defining, it’s a blanket effect that can be used in any build. Besides that fact, it’s a D2 item so it’s irrelevant.

You truly have no idea what you’re talking about. Please just stop.


So by your definition you don’t need any items then. Since all the items do is add power they don’t actually define a build. There is only 2 items in the game that can fall under your idea of what is build defining. Tempest roar for druids and ‍Deathless Visage for Necros. But then we go back to your idea that if the build works without said item(s) then it doesn’t define that build so its not build defining.

Well in that case there is no build defining items at all since all the builds meta etc work without any uniques at all and you can basically take white items for every slot put aspects on them and the build would still work just be weaker right?

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Knowing bone head game designers (not even the d4 devs just devs in general) next thing you know they’ll say “we would increase the chances and we realize what we’ve done is stupid, but that would be unfair to the two people who found them the old way.”

That attitude made me quit everquest and also liquidate my entire magic collection and replace it with proxies. Just wait, that will be their next “excuse.”

The drop chance is orders of magnitude less than this. It’s nuts.


Ok bud you all keep saying that there are items that are build defining and these arnt them so give me some examples since yall are so right and I am wrong.

What item is required for a specific build to work and that build will NOT work without that item? Don’t say tempest roar because you don’t need it for the build to work, doesn’t matter if it does 10 dmg or 1billion dmg with/without the item.

Does the build work without the item?

If yes then its not build defining per your own argument.

Ill wait because all you will be able to come back with is aspects that are build defining.

Edit1: Still waiting been about 15minutes now. There arn’t very many uniques so it should be easy for you to show me what build doesn’t work at all without a specific one.

Theyre just setting up the game to be successful when we finally solve aging and can play for 200+ years and still be chasing.

Seriously in a game meant to be played every couple months, these items and drop rates are absurd.

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except they don’t, they literally do not exist for anyone and I’m tired of anyone thinking uber uniques even count as chase items


They’re definitely chase items.

Whether the odds are worth it for the mega hardcore players that these items exist for is a different question. I guess we’ll see.

You will never find one. That’s how rare they are. You just won’t.

I like the idea of it too but only if it’s actually possible.

There is a lot of space in between impossibly rare and too common and they could still be extremely rare even with a massive boost to the rates.


Uber uniques are terrible. They should be rewards for beating Uber Lilith in Hardcore, solo. Each class gets a different Uber Unique- so for all of them you need to beat Uber Lilith with every class.

Or reward them for being #1 on a ladder, whenever those are implemented.

If the main reason for doing content, is anything other than “fun”, I think it’s not very good design.

The fact that people will farm content, over and over again only for a unique- and not because it’s inherently fun.

Means that there is something wrong with the content itself.

As the other person said. They don’t even exist for mega hardcore players. You can grind every day all day for a decade right now and most likely never find one.

It’s completely unreasonable, it’s not even for hardcore players, it’s for literal lottery winners.


You dont understand the appeal of Lottery tickets.

I translate your comments as “I have no real chance of getting one of these, therefore they are pointless.” But that’s not how Lotteries work. It’s the dream, and chasing the dream, that gets people to keep buying worthless paper labeled “you might win.”

The game is brand new; these items are basically supposed to be ‘games lifespan’ goals for people who want a reason to farm eternal forever instead of playing seasons. They shouldn’t exist YET for anyone.

There should be more Uber Uniques and they should be rare, but they also need to be build defining so you will want to use them.

They also need to fix animations on lesser uniques. I’m running around in my werewolf trueform and i keep switching to human to attack.