Uber Salvage, plurial was used on sparks

“Uber uniques can now be salvaged to provide a new ressource, Resplendent Sparks”

“spark S

Hopefully it doesnt take 5 uber uniques to craft a new one :crossed_fingers:

Could be 1 to 3 sparks rng?
Or a flat amount of 2? :person_shrugging:

Few hours before we know.

Uber Unique Items can now be salvaged to provide a new resource, Resplendent Sparks. Players can bring 5 Resplendent Sparks to the Alchemist and Transmute an Uber Unique of their choice.


That is just saying you are meant to collect multiple of them. It does not imply that you will receive more than 1 spark per Uber salvage. Maybe you will, maybe you won’t.

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It says right there in the same post how many you need…

I bet it will be only 1 per uber unique. :slight_smile: But I hope I’m wrong!

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Says you need 5 to craft, doesnt tell you how many you get per salvage. Comprehension is hard.

I bet with 99% confidence: 1 Uber unique = 1 Resplendent Sparks

The 1%: 1 Uber unique = you lose the item due to a bug


I really hope it is at least 2 per salvage. :crossed_fingers:

Get ready for new contraversey of inventory of resplendent sparks stolen by Blizz for those that had too many ubers in stash and salvaged everything.

My 1%, I bet there’s an uproar when it’s 1 per salvage and then they cave and give more in a few weeks.

You’re too optimistic :smile:

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1 Spark per Uber Salvage… GG

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“ * Fixed an issue where Treasure Goblins could fail to spawn while fighting Avarice.”

Lol this is rich. These bosses die so fast, they will never spawn anyway😂

Yep total rip off hehe

Hmm, I wonder how many you get per salvage?
Your critical thinking skills are like finely aged milk

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