Uber Boss Summon Materials (Please Remove) its miserable!

Blizzard please remove uber boss summoning materials.

  1. It takes about 2 to 3 hours of farming for every 2 duriel runs.
  2. Farming tree of whispers and helltides for the sole purpose of gaining materials to summon a boss is miserable, just miserable…
  3. Helltides and tree of whispers provides no other meaningful content nor challenge. At level 100 you find more sacred than ancestral gear and forget about unique item drops.
  4. On average one must run hundreds of duriel runs to obtain one uber unique. So one is looking at about 200 to 300 hours of farming miserable helltides and tree of whispers to obtain one uber unique item. This is not what I call good end game content.

Loot finding analysis/experience

  1. Season 3 I leveled a sorcerer from level 1-100 and never found one general unique item via running helltides, tree of whispers, dungeons, and nightmare dungeons.
  2. Only way I was able to obtain general unique items was through Echo of Varshan, Grigoire, The Beast in the Ice to obtain unique items such as ‍Staff of Endless Rage and Gloves of the Illuminator.

Feels like we are now locking everything behind these uber bosses and it makes the rest of the game feel pointless. I do not understand what is going on behind the scenes at blizzards design team. The whole community is screaming at these glaring issues but we just keep cranking out seasons of meaningless content.

Blizzard please remove boss summon materials, allow all items to have better chances to drop across all activities, and stop putting resources into season until you solve the glaring content issues / class balance issues / loot issues / server issues.


actually my buddy got all the uber uniques by day 3, he just paid $100 bucks for 10,000 duriel runs and around 2,867 or so he had all of the uber drops


Hard agree. No one in charge seems to have any interest or knowledge of what makes a grind fun vs miserable. But they sure seem to know how to inflate and drag out playtime. What a disappointing direction for this franchise. Spreadsheet metrics so clearly valued over player satisfaction and enjoyment.


You nailed it, just a lazy approach to content creation. Its absolutely awful.


It’s a garbage system yeah, but it’s a pretty standard activision one.

They know the fanboys will do pretty much any gameplay loop and defend the game.

The hilarious part is they can’t seem to fix the dupes, a couple of my friends just decided why farm when I can buy 300 duriels for 1/50th the cost of a skin?

I personally think they are purposely not fixing the duping problem, 300 duriels x 4 will create an eternity of time played metrics fighting the boss, and by that I mean walking in, one shotting, and resetting, as opposed to a regular player farming up the materials in horrible content and end up quitting


They have to keep you in game somehow…Lord knows it isn’t the content…

True, The IP range 850-900 (hard to get 925), most of the unique affixes low-mid (hard to get min 3 high affixes)

As much as i usualy hate removing difficulty in a game, i must admit being forced to farm events(helltide/whispers) a player doesnt like/enjoy is dumb.

They need to remove those summons mats.

There was no summon mats in diablo 2 and farming a boss was fun.

Removing them would bring multiple benefits:

  • Being able to group with friends to farm uber bosses: instead of being forced to group with strangers in rotations, because the friend doesnt have summon mats and the need to maximize summons is forcing you to group with strangers. When grouping with friends becomes counter productive , it not fun.

  • Removes RMT biggest bussiness, summon mats.

  • Removes the duping problem, noone wants to dupe unique items you cant trade anyway. The only thing those dupe waves did , is dupe summon mats, nothing else.

  • Makes the low uber drop rate acceptable because it is not locked behind an half an hour farm for 1 summon :woozy_face:. We can live with RNG, but not rng locked behind a giga grind, its depressing to farm 15hours , kill duriel multiple time and get no uber. Feels like wasted time.

Im usualy against dumbing down the game but this is a real problem in the game: summon mats.


I have always thought it was so stupid that you have to grind materials, put them in a pot and summon the bosses. What kind of story line is that anyway.

Let me just sprinkle a little bit of this rock right here and scramble up some eggs in this bowl to spawn duriel real quick. How did we even get here? Whos idea was that?


this is the biggest problem i have with farming for those (and so i actualy just don’t do them)

Echo of Malphas as a solo player is ridiculous. Making grouping up almost mandatory isn’t going to make me group up, it’s just going to make me stop playing. Duriel farming is bad enough but this feels like targeted hostility.


how so? he’s actualy pretty easy. or do you mean the mats? well there i agree… not going to bother (same as duriel, i’ll do the ones i get from playing but not going after them)


Lol malphas is ez to solo. Getting the token to summon him is not.

I do not have a problem with needing mats to summon bosses that have the best drops. However, I do think that the amount of mats required for some of the bosses compared to the odds of getting what you want to drop are ridiculous.


The devs 100000 times better know how to make a good game than the playerbase. Leave it as it is, it’s fine.

This game is getting worse and worse every patch and it’s because of them listening to the playerbase and giving them what they ask for. The exact same thing happened with Overwatch - that game was a near masterpiece and now it is an utter, utter pile of crap due to listening to players.

This was the first diablo game I’ve ever properly gotten into and each patch it is losing more and more of the stuff I liked to cater to ‘‘I JuSt WanT to KiLl DemOns!’’ idiots.

The mark of a high quality dev is they filter out the bad ideas, and take on board the good ideas and enhance them as required. Blizzard devs don’t seem to have that ability at this point.


good way to throw your “buddy” under the bus. i sense an account getting deleted

The summoning mat system as it is primarily benefits botters and dupers selling mats to a massive degree.

The second favored group is 4 players sharing mats.

Everyone else is just getting screwed, which is an odd system to keep in place given it’s probably the majority of the playerbase getting screwed by the system as it is.

Oh, and they just announced a new system is coming to benefit people who have extra or unused uber uniques, meaning the groups benefitting the most already are going to benefit even more greatly with whatever upcoming change they’re making.


really? weird I wonder how they will figure out which of my buddies to delete? I know… if they list how many duriel runs people did on the leaderboards, i think my buddies probably would show up on the top 10

do your friend still play?

if he does, what is the purpose of playing?

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