Twitch rewards?

Or, get them for free from playing the game.

It is that simple. If you see something you want to buy then buy it. If you don’t want to buy it then don’t. It can’t be any more simple. No barbie doll dressup cosmetic is going to affect the gameplay. You can barely see the stuff anyways with isometric view.

Or you know he could speak his mind. You could shut up about him shutting up? I bet alot of people wouldn’t mind. And he is not wrong. The game aint even out yet and they already have a few ways to buy cosmetics. Its trash and should be called out for what it is.

Now take your butthurt self and shuddup…

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People like you are a thorn in gaming. Its a slippery slope, has been proving time and time again the more of this bs you accept the more of it they push. I know its hard to grasp people don’t wanna feel nickel and dimed about cool things they want but cant EARN in game because some suit wants another damn boat!

Man I miss when gaming wasnt mainstream, Lot less idiots in it thats for sure!

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Exactly and they will keep doing this crap unless the community calls them out on there BS instead of just blindly accepting whatever they say


You do not have to pay anything for twitch drops. Or at least none I have ever seen.

edit: Ok I just looked at it they are doing the old gift subs and get an item thing. Eh I will pass.

I don’t mind the watch hours = transmog.

But I kind of mind the “give us money and we give you a mount”

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The ‘gift subs for mount’ thing is the company’s way of rewarding the streamers for the extra publicity. When entering into an agreement, its best if the end result is reciprocally beneficial. In this case, there are three parties: Blizzard, viewers, and broadcasters.
Blizzard gets advertisement/publicity for the game. Their reward is clear.
Viewers get the cosmetics. Again, pretty straightforward.

If there was nothing for the broadcasters, it’d be kind of a raw deal for those broadcasters to volunteer to act as advertisement for Blizzard. So Blizzard is sweetening the deal by adding a cosmetic locked behind supporting the creators. That way creators get a benefit and the deal is truly beneficial to all involved parties.

If you don’t like it, just don’t buy the gift subs. Really a simple solution.

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If blizzard wanted to reward the streamers they would pay them instead of having the playerbase pay for the pre-launch event item.

Its a marketing tactic where the consumer loses tbh. I don’t think defending it is a good look really, but we’re each entitled to like it or not.

Dont worry, there is a lot of MTX you are missing out on. Did you get that Diablo tattoo? No? Then no MTX for you. Did you eat several times at KFC in the US? No? Then no MTX for you.

Deal with it. :sunny::sunglasses:

I’d say this actually helps quite a bit. I bet when there are some things one can’t get no matter what, FOMO becomes easier to manage.

OP You are not wrong, but WTF am I going to do with $100 in battle net bucks now that OW2 is dead?? :joy: So I guess I have to keep my copy.

It could have easily been a “watch and get a drop” but the forced subscription is stupid.

Except… the consumer doesn’t lose. You’d pay the same amount for this cosmetic no matter what. Either it’d be a 10 dollar cosmetic on their in-game shop and all the money would go straight to Blizzard… or it’s a 10 dollar cosmetic where half your money goes to a fellow member of the d4 community. And if you pick wisely, you can even give it to a streamer that is just another gamer like you.

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twitch is losing it. too many promotions and too many ads.

they are plotting their own downfall. ads killed tv and it will kill twitch :wink: just a matter of time.

no im not gonna link all my game accounts to your silly platform, no i will not pay for twitch turbo. yes i will watch them die slowly from the sidelines :stuck_out_tongue:

He has a right to say whatever he wants. The streaming community shouldn’t be put on a pedestal either. OP has a point about putting so much money in the game despite it all being optional. The game isn’t even out yet and you can dump $100+ into it.

I’ve never seen anyone on this forum put the streaming community on a pedestal. Half this community seems desperate to treat them like they’re literal garbage, so the rest are saying ‘stop being jerks, they’re just fellow members of the community like you’. That’s not ‘putting them on a pedestal’, its simply being a reasonable human being and defending them from totally needless attacks.

Nothing about this is forced. Its all optional.

There are optional drops. And there are optional rewards for supporting streamers within the community. Nothing forced. All optional.

Don’t watch, I won’t t. I’d rather play the game than watch a steam of someone else playing. I think it’s lame to do rewards like this, but companies must see a benefit from people watching streamers.

So what about the pay 2 win race that was just announced? Yea won’t be any pay 2 win in d4 remember? Keep believing these people and blindly accepting it

Yeah thats not pay 2 win

Starting a race earlier then most other people because you paid more isn’t pay 2 win ok sure lol