Twisting Blades modifier CD reset bug

ZZZZZZ i tweeted this at Pez and no response yet. TB feels so bad atm with this bug.


1 week to ivestigate? First camp fire coming soon and where’s the fix for TB??

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2 hotfixes got released ever since this was reported and still nothing.


Bump, update would be nice


Rogue is totally broken now, please fix this. It was so much fun to play it before and now it’s clunky and way slower than any barb. Really makes no sense.


Could be worse. Rapid Fire could be eating your imbuements while double firing in the wrong direction.

Not gonna lie, Rogue feels like it needs a lot of help. Every skill seems to be broken and the whole toolkit feels as though it’s missing enablers.

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they wont fix it, they are following GGG path, ruin a build and sleep on it


This is the most viewed post on all the Bug sites, should ring a bell by now if any…
Dont give up guys, this nerf is ducked up, i dont know what theyre thinking still.


I already gave up tbh, the fact that they had no regard in mind for players who invested tons of hours into building a character means that they dont care at all, no respect for players time at all, I honestly regret pre-ordering the game.


There’s another post stating Flurry is also bugged.


Bump…let’s get a response to this please.


I am giving up on Twisting Blades. It was killed by Blizzard because too many enjoyed it. Must have build diversity. Going to re-spec to Penetrating Shot inspired by Zizaran.

its really too bad Blizz is this bad at fixing bugs

quickly tweet Rod to bring this up in his next stream


Blizzard, please give an answer:(

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Hope they will say anything about it during this “Campfire Chats” stream

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Another hotfix, nothing for us Rogues TB


Bumping, still wanting to hear an update on this issue.

It won’t happen - work with what we have, or switch builds is my recommendation. I am still on Twisting Blades, but will switch to Penetrating Shot. TB is playable if you use Synergy (not required), and more importantly switch from Inner Sight to Preparation clearing dungeons, and back to Inner Sight for bosses.

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zero mentions of rogue uplayable melee builds in “campfire chat”, I really cba at this point, rogue went from fun, decent and playable to unplayable and cant do t70 nightmare dungeons at lvl 100, meanwhile other classes @lvl 75 are running nightmare t70+ with ease, what a joke of a dev. team.

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Friend playing Necro can 2-3 shot a Butcher… but better nerf rogue lmao