Twisting blades dose not refund cooldown on hit

so after being booted for afk after eating my dinner i came back and continued playing. only to find my twisting blades not refunding cooldown.
anyone else having this problem? also here is some video of it not refunding


Same here, it just feel like a bug outcoming from the latest patch

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Same here. It was fine last night before I went to bed. Woke up today to play, and the whole build is ruined as I am unable to keep my abilities active as I have to seemingly wait for the full CD timer as Twisted Blades does not seem to refund anything at all.

my build incidentally survives better using the dazing passive, but i lose alot of damage uptime without the cooldown reset. them shadow imbumes are key.

Same here. Already created a report about it too. Not sure how Blizzard uses bug reports. If it’s better to have one or a lot of them. ^^