Tripple shout too strong (?)

No, that’s not the case at all. It’s not a good choice because it’s overpowered. It’s a good choice because viable options are limited. So it’s not ‘very safe’ to say it’s overpowered.

The 3 shouts give damage/damage reduction/resource gen. Not damage/damage/damage, that would be overpowered. Yes they can help with cooldowns (Marshal). And they can proc dust devils, but these effects are not excessive.

By your logic teleport for sorc is overpowered, because every build uses it. Dash/Shadow step for Rogue is overpowered? Marshal has already been nerfed. Many builds only use 1 or 2 shouts. Sure, dust devil builds probably use 3 shouts, but that’s the build, shouts proc dust devils. And dust devil is far from meta.

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Even if the shorts were terrible I would still run all 3 cause I like shouting


I actually have a build that only use Rallying Cry with Yen’s Blessing. 90% Unstoppable uptime is amazing.

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Not exactly. If they are only running 1 mobility skill, then picking the only mobility skill they have access to, doesnt say anything. If you have access to two mobility skills, but everyone nearly always pick the same one, then that one is likely overpowered compared to the other one as well.
If most builds picked 3 out of 3 shout buff skills, something is off. Must apparently be better than picking 1 shout and 2 skills from any other category (or even non-shout buffs), if most builds do it.
If most barbs picked 1 shout, and not the same one, then it would seem fine. Also perfectly fine if some smaller amount of builds picked 3 shouts.

Why is something wrong with that? Because they’re all called ‘shout’ skills? This is the same thing we saw with ‘basic skills shouldn’t be strong’. If “basic” skills had a different label it wouldn’t have been a problem. If the 3 shouts did exactly what they do now but didn’t share a label, if they appeared to be 3 completely separate skills, this thread wouldn’t exist.

Take ice armor/flame shield/teleport for example. Clear distinctions between the skills so nobody cares when most sorcs use it.

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Thats exactly @Shadout said.
Because every Sorc build uses these 3 Skills they seem to be overpowered.
If some sorcs use Teleport, some flame shield some ice armor they skill were fine. but so, this skills are overpowered, because most sorc builds pick up 3 of this 3 skill.

If most sorc picked 1 of these skills, and not the same one, then it would seem fine. Also perfectly fine if some smaller amount of builds picked this 3 skills.

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So this is the problem. What non-shout buffs? Iron skin?

You get 6 skills. So a setup often looks like this.

  1. Damage skill
  2. Ultimate skill (maybe), maybe steel grasp for vuln
  3. Mobility (maybe), maybe hota for multiplier
      1. Support/buff

You typically get space for 3 buffs. There are 4 buff skills. 3/4 happen to be called shouts.

Imagine the outrage if they had called iron skin a shout too. My ww barb would then have 4 shouts and people would lose their minds.

3/4 support skills happen to be shouts. Those shouts have good synergy and that’s why often the 4th, iron skin, is not chosen.

They have significantly nerfed everything on barb, damage/life/defense, blizzard doesn’t soft nerf. If they now see the support skills as a problem they will nerf those and the class will be unplayable.

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Or that other choices aren’t compelling enough/underpowered. All classes seem to have that problem.

Mythbusters already busted that myth. A/C doesn’t increase gas usage

D4 is severely lacking more skill options.
Picking 3 out of 4 buff sklls is already a lot though.

People have complained about this in the past though. That sorc had to pick pretty much all defensive skills they could.
Teleport is “fine” (or rather, we can’t say it isnt fine based on its current usage, when there are no alternatives to pick). What is not okay, is teleport being the only mobility skill however.
Everyone using ice armor and flame shield, not fine. Part of the reason is still the severe lack of skills to pick, but at least there actually are options here.

That is one of the major problems for sure. Only having 1 dmg skill. Game should be balanced around using 2-3 dmg skills tbh. 1-skill builds should be nearly unheard of, and require gear that would be very hard to acquire.
Coincidentally, that is also because those attack skills are too strong. Too good at everything. High dmg AoE screen clears and such…
The higher the dmg, the higher cost and fewer targets should be affected. Make people have to pick multiple attack skills for different jobs.

But other than buffs, you also got debuffs and crowd control. If buffs win that competition each time, maybe those buffs are too powerful in comparison to the other options.

Sure, still means they are too strong compared to those other choices, even if you then conclude the solution is to buff the other choices.
Usually it is a mix of both.

And, often it is a lack of monster design that can challenge your build to have more tools available to them than just “more self buffing!”

I would like to have a build with different attack skills for different situations. Maybe someday it will be viable

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I havent seen it, but re-watch the episode.
Im sure they say it doesnt use more fuel in comparison to opening your windows.

Driving with your windows up and ac off
Driving with your windows up and ac on

Yeah, of course it uses more gas, right? It takes energy to run it and that energy needs to come from somewhere.
The original question was “would i save gas by removing my ac?” Thats gotta be an objective ‘yes’


Game balance isnt important right?

I have a barb alt and I would like there to be build diversity

Are you doing okay?

Barb = shouts gone

Necros = curse / tendril / blood mist gone

Sorc = nova / ice barrier / flame shield / teleport gone

Druid = howl / charge gone

Rouge = dash / cata / traps gone

Let’s get to work and Nerf everyone yeeeeeee!!!


Everything in D4 should indeed be nerfed. Especially dmg.
However, nerfed is not the same as “gone”… :grimacing:

Nah dramatic massive swing is the blizzard way, cut those and get something new! :eye::lips::eye:

It’s like this for a lot of classes. There simply aren’t many spells in the game.
Virtually every single Sorc build (Except for Fire Bolt cheese), runs 2/3 defensives because you have to have them to survive, it’s the only way to live. It’s also that there is nothing else worth taking, you can’t have multiple mana spenders, what’s the point having multiple basics? That’s all of the possible skills gone… You only need 1 of the 10 available attacks.

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That is one of the main things Blizzard should change tbh.
Create niches for each attack, requiring builds to have multiple different attacks to cover their needs.

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Well in d3 they had 5/6 different versions of every single spell spell so there were virtually limitless builds. For example, Frozen Orb (Which we have now)… There were Arcane Orbs versions of it, Fire Orbs versions, versions that floated around you, etc, so just by simply selecting 6 random skill your had nearly 50,000 different versions of those 6 sklills that you could use together. That’s not including the rest of the spell book, there was INSANE choice. potential

… This version, d4, is very dumbed down in comparison. It felt lazy immediately upon release in this regard.