Tricks for increasing survivability?

Following Maxroll EQ barb guide. Ad far as i can see, the only sources of all resist are arreats pants and the coven gems. Yet the guide calls for 70 all res.

How are you all reaching the res cap and becomking more tanky in general? Paragon 180 but still feeling like t4 hits hard and dying to Uber bosses. Gear is pretty high end, just not a ton of masterworking yet.

Well first of all, you gotta do some master working. That can boost both you survival and damage output. Personally I use the pants and got big increases to resistance from that. I used the damage reduction from bleed chest and the overheal bubble pants when I first hit torment 4. After a couple new pieces of gear and master working it was easier to hit my caps. I’m stuck with way too much armor at the moment because masterwork chose that on one of my items. It can be hit or miss so save copies of gear and the little scrolls to reset and try again.
However I don’t use their build. I’m mainly quake/ww but I’ve tweaked per unique gear and needs along the way.

Hope that wall of text helps.

I’ve completed the season journey, and the coven while hitting pit 85. I think when they fix the mantle chest I can go further.

Thanks, this does help. I guess I’m just not sure how I can make up the ~50 all res I am missing. I am over the armor cap as well. Masterworking can help increase my life (only at 10k now, guide calls for 20k) but with my only all res pice being the pants (all res. stat is already GA on that) I just don’t see what will give me the rest. I’m sure there are pieces I could sub out, but then I am losing damage most likely.

The all resist on amulet and rings plus masterwork all resist on Arreat’s plus some resist/all resist paragon nodes plus getting some from the Challenger glyph bumping up Intelligence(all resist) should get you close and then drink a Soothing Spices incense.

Honestly after a point anything other than Pit 120s+ is hit shout without even attacking and stuff just dies, even Bosses. Not exaggerating btw.

Paragon. Arreat’s. Lots of All Stats.

The end.

I am using the shroud of false death, can comfortable do pits 120. I am playing WW quake with rupture to inflict Overpower and bleeding on tough enemies for the 4% bonus. Wrath of the Berserker is almost always on. Survivability becomes an issue there. I am using igni que for the earthen bulwark in conjuction with the aspect that offers 30% dmg when a barrier is on. Nothing can stop him.

The trick to survivability besides resistance and armor is Damage Reduction. Having a good amount of Flat Damage Reduction, and then alternate categories of it (dr vs bleeding, dr vs vulnerable, dr vs close, dr vs distant, dr while fortified). Forms of healing are great, like Invigorating Fury (large healing per 100 fury spent) and Defensive Stance (additional damage reduction while fortified PLUS heals you per second while fortified). Always being fortified makes a noticeable difference. Even more so gaining fortify fast once you’ve taken damage also helps a lot, especially for Defensive Stance. Last but not least things like Guttural Yell are great because it reduces enemy damage, which is separate from Damage Reduction.

Im a lunging strike to trigger eq

To survive i use tyreal might but dropping the double dmg chance from mantle is noticable

Thank you, everyone!