Tribute Of Refinement Bug Hurting Master Working

I play Diablo 4 a lot, and I mean a lot, with over 1000 hours on console and hundreds on PC since the release, this game is my main. I have enjoyed playing so much, making friends within the game I decided to stream on Twitch as this as 99% of my streaming content. I have had a lot of patience with nerfs, patch notes, buffs, class balances and so on, my followers and friends will tell you I have a lot of patience, However, not this time, This time kinda feels personal, I see our player base has left only after a few short weeks into this season 7. Why have they left? We can not masterwork.

Let me explain from an average/above average time spent gamer.

We know using Tribute of Refinments are the best way to gather Obducite, we can not go back to gathering 2000-4000 over 11-12 minutes in a wave 10 hordes compared to 2000 Obducite in 2 minutes from one Tribute run.
Todays Issue, These Tributes of Refinment do not drop the Obducite everytime, leaving us all with a “waste of time” feeling, and rage quitting, some people going as far as speaking bad about Diablo

Please Please Please, Make a Hot Fix, even if this gives way more then intended, We need our basic game back because Most of the gamers feel all of this is intentional and you are not focusing on allowing the player base to have fun.
This is Diablo, We love the grind, this is why we play.
Last seasons Goblin event…Fail…This Seasons event Shrine…Fail. This is hurting Lately.

In final,
Will I continue playing, Yes, Will I continue Streaming and Finding all the positives in D4, Yes, but please let me BRAG about this game to everyone about it being the best ARPG.

P.S. Rock the boat, Do something completely new, We are all aware during the PTR Mythic Cashes are available, as somesort of seeing players are leaving, and saying thankyou to all the ones who have stayed, make 1 vendor drop 1 mythic cashe for us. From the GamingHouse Community, Surprise us, Please

Yours in Solidarity,
aka -GamingHouse24 in Twitch


THIS! It is very necessary for Blizzard to focus on this problem, otherwise players will continue to waste Refinement tributes, which are already quite rare.