Tree of Whispers - no exp with patch 1.1.0

I have also not gained any experience for Whispers since arriving in WT3. Turned in 3 so far.

WT3 Whispers are bugged. They do not currently give XP.

Go to WT2 or WT4, or do something else if you need the XP until they fix it.

This didn’t make the hotfix notes :frowning: RIP

Yep, no xp for me either for both turn ins (Eternal realm, WT3 on my alt)

Team is investigating this issue.


Same here, no xp for me or my friend since hitting WT3.

We believe this was fixed in the latest Hotfix that just rolled out but will monitor.


Wait, Blue posts in the bug forums DO exist? Where is the response to the hundreds of threads about the Sorceress off-hand imprint bug?

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I don’t have whispering tree on any caracter what I’m doing in this game for xp ? wispering tree vanish for my rogue lvl 97 I don’t understand why and I can’t complete the fever of whispering tree I don’t understand can you help me ?

I just did a WT1 Tree of Whispers, got the Cache, XP showed as 0.

id say this is more important.

Give the guys a break. This is why they don’t post. No matter what they say it will upset somebody.

At level 50 I moved to WT3. No XP for my rogue. Still happening right now today 8/5/23.

Today i finish some of tree and no XP in information, only box. That game was very buggy, i can finish full season chapter 5, because boon in the tide not work, some quests cant finish becuase some of bugs. In ride on horse from town some times cant enable faster ride, i must hop out and hop in to ride…

Is this topic still under investigation?
