Tree of whispers - can't choose reward (Reward window empty)

I have the same issue :confused: empty window and I am not able to choose reward.

I canā€™t complete the task, the reward selection field is also empty.

Same problem, tried on both PS5 and PC, bloody annoying!

Same issue here as of today I cannot see any rewards in the ā€œchoose your rewardā€ windowā€¦

I got 3 wives and 7 children, so I donā€™t have a lot of time to play this game. And guess what - today I finally found some time to play and damn tree went broke!


Yeah, the Whispers of the Dead: Torment is bugged. Empty window where the prizes should be, canā€™t complete the quest.

Same problem here, Tree not working

Same problem here. Was just doing open world quests for the tree and now it is stuck since 2 hrs ago.

Same problem here in NZ with 12/10 Grim Favors. I wonder if its the same problem as ā€œFractured Winter Glassā€ metalworking problem with conjuration mastery not going to +3 but staying as a purple +2. This has been noted as a bug as well i Believe.

I canā€™t complete the task, the reward selection field is also empty

changed world tier, changed character, restart pc, non works

Same here 20 20 20 20

Same here. Glad Iā€™m not the only one, I thought my account was bugged.

Same problem. EU SERVERS, TORMENT, completed whispers during Helltide and now I canā€™t see anythingā€¦

Same here. Eu, torment helltide whispers.

+1 more

Same issue :angry:

same here, t4 tree of whispers i canĀ“t choose a reward, the rewardwindow is empty

Same as all of the aboveā€¦ EU player

EU same here. nothing helpsā€¦ Cā€™mon blizzard!!!

Same here maybe Blizz will repair this bug at the last week of season :slight_smile:

Same hereā€¦ It sux like hellā€¦