Tree of whispers - can't choose reward (Reward window empty)

Like the topic says - at the tree of whispers, after clicking the icon on the tree, that window where I am supposed to choose a reward appears empty. Maybe, the issue is there because I just completed part of some side quest in the dungeon and was supposed to go finish it (‘Find Voszalko in Kyovashad’). But before going there I wanted to claim the reward. That dungeon I was in before the tree was visited for the first time, it was also a mission and a whisper dungeon at the same time.
The icon on the tree is also gone now, I can click the tree though (same empty window appears).


Tree of Whisper ran out of golds and reward…
they are broke now… come back in year 2025 ← just kidding aye…


Just happened to me as well, completed my whisper during a helltide, can’t see any reward to choose, with a line splitting the “choices” seemingly having two options, one left, one right.


ye same problem… cant take any whispers


Same problem here, at least it seems to not only be a few. Must just be broken for now lol

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Same here. There is a vertical dotted line in the empty box. Level 100, was doing Tree of Whispers for some time today and this occurred for the first time. Exited the game and rejoined and the issue persisted.


Yep, got mine from a pvp area so it seems, that it has nothing to do, where you got your gifts. I’m at 14 gifts.

Same problem. I can click on the tree, but the rewards window is completely empty. Cannot choose anything.
EDIT: tried leaving area and coming back. Also restarted the game, but the problem persists.

Same thing for me.
Tree of Whispers is closed :scream:

Someone out there broke the tree. Probably best to have QA check this each change. Noob Blizzard

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Same issue happening for me. T_T

Same here. Tried reloading, changing World Tier back and forth but still doesn’t work.

I just encountered the same issue: Tree whisper “Choose your reward” box is empty.
Is there any workaround this? :frowning:

Same issue ,without the tree making gold is kinda a BIG issue for me completly stuck atm…

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Same issue here. Tried restarted the game but no luck :frowning:

Same issue just now.

Same here. I try to reestart game, leaving area, and nothing works.

Well I guess I’m done for the night.

same issue … i did the quests at PVP area, does it make a difference?

Same. Tried to switch World Tier and back, restarted game - no luck