Tree of whispers - can't choose reward (Reward window empty)

Same problem here. Was just doing open world quests for the tree and now it is stuck since 2 hrs ago.

Same problem here in NZ with 12/10 Grim Favors. I wonder if its the same problem as “Fractured Winter Glass” metalworking problem with conjuration mastery not going to +3 but staying as a purple +2. This has been noted as a bug as well i Believe.

I can’t complete the task, the reward selection field is also empty

changed world tier, changed character, restart pc, non works

Same here 20 20 20 20

Same here. Glad I’m not the only one, I thought my account was bugged.

Same problem. EU SERVERS, TORMENT, completed whispers during Helltide and now I can’t see anything…

Same here. Eu, torment helltide whispers.

+1 more

Same issue :angry:

same here, t4 tree of whispers i can´t choose a reward, the rewardwindow is empty

Same as all of the above… EU player

EU same here. nothing helps… C’mon blizzard!!!

Same here maybe Blizz will repair this bug at the last week of season :slight_smile:

Same here… It sux like hell…

Same here… :frowning: Dear Blizzard fix it

Same here pls do something

Same issues, on PS5 myself, was on 8 completed a red dungeon for the +5 now stuck at 13/10 and cannot claim blank rewards window.

same thing here…come on guys, solve it!

1 Like

Adding another report of this. Glad it’s not just me. Character is only level 17 so I was thinking about ditching it but now I’ll wait for B to fix.

Let’s keep it to one thread.