Trading is amazing. Please lean into this Blizzard

Only way you was not getting items in d3 was because you was on the forums or looking at the ah. I literally made BILLIONS of gold on the ah. Bought very little just extremely rare hard to find stuff for my build.
Is like PoE you can find everything yourself but most people spent more time on the ah then playing. That is fine but can not really complain nothing ever drops when you not playing the game,

I’m sorry I spent a lot of time playing the game. Your memory is faulty. Drops were terrible because the system was all based around the auction houses. That is a fact and I know you don’t have it right when you talk “billions”. Billions were very hard to get until ROS came along.

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Item drop rates had nothing to do with the AH. That is your imagination. And do not tell me my memory is bad. I had billions because the RMAH gold sellers were sniping everything worth buying from the gold ah.
The only problem with the AH in d3 was the rmah Period. No debate no argument straight facts not some conspiracy theory you pulled out of your…

It’s because the majority -that don’t like trading- are still effected by trading. Look at Diablo 2 where runes are traded. There’s a rune that’s so rare it’s likely 99% of players never saw it drop. But you can get it through trading, so the drop rate for that rune has not been significantly changed even 20 years later.

So take that example and ask why the majority of players were negatively impacted by trading.

The answer is because the drop chance was designed around having the ability to trade.

You can’t have trading without rebalancing the game to accommodate trading and the masses are the ones hurt by it.

Drop chances in d2 were not bad because of trading. But because of cheating. I hoped when d2r came out it would not have xplay/save. Would of loved to play multiplayer d2 legit. But since its release the only way to play d2 legit is and has always been SSF.
D4 has a different problem. Without trading the drops are so common a season lasts about 3 days before you are done. New loot system works a bit to fix that. Problem is there is no game to use those items on.

Y u no give my AH post 1k likes?

Fixed in my version of AH. Bought items become bound. No more snipe reselling.

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The drop rate of the rune I mention has not meaningfully changed since its existence.

Additionally, drop rates are set by the developers and don’t change because someone cheats. Especially in the sense that drop rates won’t go down through cheating.

Nothing forced Blizzard to make the drops as bad as they were though. In no way does an AH force that. If the AH would have made the gearing process way too easy why did they change the game to fully gear you out as soon as you hit max level? It wasn’t because the AH was removed. It was because Blizzard decided to make it that way.

Good idea. But really the way D4 is structured right now. Think the D3 trading within group only would be the way to go.
But to do that we would also have to quit being punished for grouping and be like every other MULTIPLAYER game out there and maybe get some rewards for doing things in a group.
Pit right now is either solo or carry. 2 or more capable players grouping right now just punishing themselves just so they do not have to be bored soloing it.

No but they would because they would want people to interact with it.

People would interact with an AH regardless of how the game was configured.

D2r terror zones changed that ALOT. 2 stashes full of HRs SSF to attest to that. And if devs do not design around cheating how do you explain Uber diablo and how he spawns? You think those are LEGIT Sojs people sold to vendors?
But you are right they design around data. And cheats corrupt that data. So the Devs see there is 20000000 billion sojs on a server they think it is fine to require 120 to spawn him.
But you ever actually farmed SoJs? LIke full on all day andy runs? You average about 1 sojs every 15 hours iof play.

auction house like wow’s version would be nice. i have several 3GA that i have no idea what to do with. i don’t wanna go thru hoops just to sell, i want a simple click n forget kinda system.

Trade site ( is so bad right now. Complete trash. Such bad trade experience. Cant list items right.
Cant add missing affixes to unique.
Cant search unique by affix unless that affix is on lego of same type.
Shows everyone online.
Misinterpreted affixes.
Cant report bugs.
Cant log in half time.


Owners of it should be ashamed.

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the time you can play raises, because you have a reason to play end game – to trade

You have crap for a memory. Not going to argue with you you’re wrong. It’s that simple. You’re on ignore and not just for this topic. Let’s just say I don’t like the colour of your gib.

I haven’t bothered, D2 is too dull for my tastes.

I’m speaking solely from the fact that the rune drop rate hasn’t been meaningfully changed. It was actually rarer when it initially came out, according to drop data I googled. But the changes since aren’t really meaningful since making something that drops for a player once in 20 years is still absurdly rare. Or have you forgotten the article about the guy that has played for 20 years and has just last year gotten the drop?

The point being is I don’t have to play a game even once to understand that something doesn’t get changed due to cheating. They delete cheat copies if they can or ban of possible but they don’t make something rare because people cheated. That’s just a nonsense statement because you’re saying developers are willfully harming their player base because a select minority cheated. I have never once heard of that happening in fact. It just doesn’t make sense. Because if they can track 2 billion postings they can track the number of drops and act accordingly.

And it doesn’t make sense from a prevention method, if someone duped or ghost dropped an item what would it matter if you changed the drop rate? All they would do is get ahold of one item through trade or drop and then it’s right back to cheating. So what good would changing the drop rate do? Absolutely nothing.

But I would also like to point out that in your case, though I don’t believe it happened like that, still demonstrates a punishment to the non-traders directly resulting from the ability to trade. You claimed they made an item rarer due to copies up for trade, that’s a direct negative impact resulting from trading upon people who simply aren’t participating in trade.

A lot dont want to spend 80% on trade simulator/20% killing mobs.


They did not change drop rates in my example. They changed mechanics of the game based on data instead of actually knowing their own game.
Uber diablo was put in and designed around SoJs being fairly common. But they were not. A bot could get 3 or 4 day a player maybe 1 or 2. Needing 120 to spawn him on a server was way too much.
And nothing was that rare in D2. Basically got every rune drop every season at least once. Like last season i played the only run i did not get to drop was Ber.
If you understand how they drop and how to farm them they not that hard. Zod for example only rarer because people not farming mobs that can even possibly drop it most the time. You not going to get a zod farming mephesto. You have to do the few high level mobs. Like Pit, Nilithark, worldstone. chaos etc.
But farming straight out mobs is not what people did they farmed bosses. That is not what drops runes. They can but not as much. Heck one of the best farms for mid HRs was chests in arcane sanctuary. Boring as heck but getting vex/ohm it was you best bet.